Table of Contents of

The Vanishing Automobile

The Vanishing Automobile is divided into nine parts, each of which is further divided into numbered chapters, myths, case studies, facts, and web tools. Several samples and all of the web tools can be read on line.

Introduction: The Myth of the Vanishing Automobile

Part One: The Dark Side of Smart Growth

1. Introduction to Smart Growth
Case Study: The Battle of Oak Grove
Web Tools: Tour of Oak Grove
The Sprawl Myth
Urban Growth Facts
2. What Is Sprawl?
The Myth of Community
3. What Is Smart Growth?
The Choice Myth
The Myth of Voter Support

Part Two: The War on the American Dream

4. The War on the Suburbs
Portland Case Study: Portland, Smart Growth's Potemkin Village
Population Facts
Web Tools: Population Data
Portland Case Study: Portland Geography
The Sterile-Suburbs Myth
Portland Case Study: Stack 'Em & Pack 'Em
The Unhappy-Suburbs Myth
Portland Case Study: Suburbs Are Passé
The Ugly-Suburbs Myth
Portland Case Study: Boutiques Yes, Shopping Malls No
Portland's Downtown Myth
The Placeless-Suburbs Myth
Portland Case Study: Open Space Yes, Accessible Open Space No
The Paved-Over-Suburbs Myth
5. The War on the Automobile
Auto Opponents
Auto & Highway Facts
Web Tools: Highways and Traffic
Portland Case Study: Forward Into the Past
Portland's Light-Rail Myth
The Field-of-Dreams Myth
The Auto-Dependency Myth
The Accessibility Myth
Portland Case Study: Congestion Signals Positive Urban Development
The Cost-of-Driving Myth
The Costs of Smart Growth

Part Three: The Congestion Coalition

6. A Grassroots Movement?
7. The Architects
The Design Myth
8. The Planners
The Planning Myth
Portland Case Study: Oregon's Land-Use Planning
9. Environmental Groups
The Open-Space Myth
Portland Case Study: 1000 Friends of Oregon
Portland Case Study: Transportation Planning in Oregon
10. Central City Boosters
The Central-City Myth
The Downtown Myth
Portland Case Study: Business Support for Metro
11. Transit Agencies & Builders
Portland Case Study: Metro
Portland Case Study: Public Involvement
12. The Environmental Protection Agency
Web Tools: EPA Grantees
13. Other Federal Agencies
The Myth of Urban Decline
14. Funding the War on Sprawl

Part Four: Dense Thinking

15. Smart Growth Means Higher Densities
Population Density Facts
Web Tools: Population Densities
The Density-Is-Normal Myth
The Myth That Government Made Us Do It
The Housing-Subsidy Myth
The Interstate-Highway Myth
The Infrastructure Myth
The Local-Regulation Myth
The People-Want-Density Myth
16. Bucking the Trend
Urban Area Facts
The Density & Open Space Myth
Web Tools: Open Space by State
The Density & Congestion Myth
The Myth that Sprawl Causes Congestion
Web Tools: Urban Congestion
The Myth That Density Reduces Congestion
The Myth That Smart Growth Wants to Reduce Congestion
Europe Case Study: Smart Growth Doesn't Work Here Either
Web Tools: European Cities
The Density & Air Pollution Myth
The Affordable-Housing Myth
Web Tools: Housing Affordabilility
The Costs-of-Sprawl Myth

Part Five: The Rail Transit Fantasy

17. The Transit Problem
Transit Facts
Web Tools: Transit
The High-Capacity-Transit Myth
Web Tools: Rail Transit
18. Transit History
New York Case Study: The Transit-Rider's Dream
The Roger-Rabbit Myth
The Nostalgia Myth
19. Smart Growth and Transit
Transit Finance Facts
Web Tools: Transit Finance
The Balanced Transportation Myth
The Funding Myth
The Morality Myth
20. Rail Transit Primer
The Speedy-Rail-Transit Myth
The Inexpensive-Rail-Transit Myth
The Rail-Ridership Myth
The Myth That Transit Reduces Congestion
The Energy-EfÞcient Transit Myth
The Clean-Transit Myth
The Transit-Safety Myth
The Neighborhood-Redevelopment Myth
The Rail-Helps-the-Poor Myth
21. Alternatives to Rail Transit
Busways and Alternative Modes
Improved Bus Service
Jitneys and Demand-Responsive Transit

Part Six: Highways and Mobility

22. The Politics of Stasis
Web Tools: Urban Mobility
Highway Finance Facts
The Air Pollution Myth
23. Other Anti-Road Policies
The Expensive-Highway Myth
Web Tools: Highway Subsidies
The Dangerous-Highway Myth
24. Highway History
The Subsidized-Highway Myth
25. Understanding Congestion
Congestion Facts
Texas Transportation Institute Congestion Data
Los Angeles Case Study: Smart Growth's Poster Child
The Myth That New Roads Increase Congestion
26. The Real Problem with Highways
The Myth of the Long Commute

Part Seven: The Land Use-Transportation Connection

27. Changing How We Work and Live
Land Use Facts
The Smart-Growth Myth
28. Smart-Growth Commuting
The Myth of Balanced Jobs and Housing
San Francisco Case Study: Growth Control in the Bay Area
29. Smart-Growth Shopping
The Excessive-Driving Myth
30. Greenbelts
Open Space Facts
The Small-Town Myth
San Diego Case Study: Overwhelmed by Smart Growth

Part Eight: Smart-Growth Government

31. Regional Government
Web Tools: MPOs
The Regional-Issues Myth
The Bigger-Is-Better Myth
32. Planning
Twin Cities Case Study: Ted's Aggressive Agenda
The Public-Involvement Myth
33. Zoning
The Market-Failure Myth

Part Nine: The American Dream Alternative

34. Basic Principles
Web Tools: Dream Alternative
35. Land Use
The SelÞsh-Neighborhoods Myth
36. Highways
The Lexus-Lane Myth
Houston Case Study: Civic Clubs and Tollways
37. Transit
38. Air Quality Incentives
The Pay-to-Pollute Myth
39. Institutions
The Subsidized-Development Myth
40. Conclusions




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