Are the Rich the Biggest Defaulters?

Last week, the New York Times published an amazingly shallow article saying the “biggest defaulters on mortgages are the rich.” This contention is supported by a single pair of data: the owners of about 14 percent of homes worth more than $1 million are delinquent on their mortgages, while only “about” 8 to 9 percent of homes worth less than $1 million are behind in their payments.

The problem is, what is the Times‘ definition of “rich”? As one of the paper’s columnists pointed out a few days later, “Just because you have a million-dollar mortgage doesn’t make you a millionaire.” And if you live in a state that has a lot of growth-management planning, such as California or Florida, chances are good that you own a house worth more than $1 million simply because the median price of homes in many cities in these states was close to that much (or, in a few cases, more) at the peak of the bubble.

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