150 | Toward Global Peace & Prosperity | | Government |
149 | The Automobile Won | | Automobiles |
148 | Transit's Zombie Future | | Transit |
147 | America's Two Housing Markets | | Housing |
146 | America's Volatile Housing Markets | | Housing |
145 | Property Rights and the New Feudalism | | Housing |
144 | Americans Fleeing Dense Cities & Suburbs | | Regional Planning |
143 | Old Technologies for New Starts | | Transit |
142 | The Myth of Rail Mobility | | Intercity Passenger Trains |
141 | Airlines: Our #2 Source of Mobility | | Transportation |
140 | A Century-Old Love of Rail Monopolies | | Intercity Passenger Trains |
139 | Traffic Safety: A Matter of Design | | Highways |
138 | Transit Crime Rates on the Rise | | Transit |
137 | State and Local Highway Subsidies in 2019 and 2020 | | Highways |
136 | Truckers, Congestion, and Class Conflict | | Highways |
135 | 2021: The Year Transit Failed to Recover | | Transit |
134 | America's Rising Housing Prices | | Housing |
133 | How Cato Sold Out California Property Owners | | Housing |
132 | Boulder's Open Spaces and the Marshall Fire | | Natural Resources |
131 | Killed by the Pandemic: The Virginia Railway Express | | Transit |
130 | U.S. Road Conditions and Performance in 2020 | | Highways |
129 | Why U.S. Infrastructure Is So Expensive | | Transportation |
128 | Sutton Mountain Wilderness Yes, Monument No | | Natural Resources |
127 | The Midwest Rail Plan: A Disaster in the Making | | High-Speed Rail |
126 | Mobility Principles for a Prosperous World | | Transportation |
125 | Transit 2020: The First Year of the Pandemic | | Transit |
124 | A Data-Driven Approach to Transportation Safety | | Highways |
123 | The Affordable-Housing Industrial Complex | | Housing |
122 | The Truth About Western Wildfire | | Natural Resources |
121 | The Morality of Protecting Endangered Species | | Natural Resources |
120 | Addressing Droughts with Water Markets | | Natural Resources |
119 | Regional Transportation Planning After COVID | | Regional Planning |
118 | China's Red Lines: A Failure of Central Planning | | Housing |
117 | Giving Transit Its Due Priority | | Transit |
116 | Charting Transit Values and Trends | | Transit |
115 | Moving the Overton Window | | Government |
114 | The World's Finest Railroads | | Transportation |
113 | The Failure of Transit in the Post-COVID Era | | Transit |
112 | Moving from Transit Apartheid to Transportation Equity | | Transit |
111 | Cost Overruns and Ridership Shortfalls | | Transit |
110 | The War on Cars and Delays to Emergency Response | | Highways |
109 | Reinventing Transit for a Post-COVID World | | Transit |
108 | Housing Affordability from 1950 Through 2019 | | Housing |
107 | How San Jose Held Up Google for $200 Million | | Regional Planning |
106 | Jane Jacobs and the Mid-Rise Mania | | Regional Planning |
105 | Does Transit Cost Effectively Help Low-Income People? | | Transit |
104 | San Diego's Insane $163.5 Billion Plan | | Regional Planning |
103 | $85 Billion for Empty Buses and Railcars | | Transit |
102 | The Case Against Amtrak | | Intercity Passenger Trains |
101 | Restoring Trust to the Highway Trust Fund | | Highways |
100 | Making Massachusetts Housing Affordable | | Housing |
99 | Can America's Power Plants Support Electric Vehicles? | | Automobiles |
98 | Amtrak Can't Connect Us | | Intercity Passenger Trains |
97 | Miami Affordable Housing Vice | | Housing |
96 | Mileage-Based User Fees for Highway Finance | | Highways |
95 | Housing Affordability and the Pandemic | | Housing |
94 | Applying Value Engineering to Transit Projects | | Transit |
93 | Should Seattle Aspire to Grow to 2 Million People? | | Housing |
92 | Japan's Addiction: The Dark Side of the Bullet Trains | | High-Speed Rail |
91 | Using the Law of Large Proportions to Save Energy | | Automobiles |
90 | Are Accidents of History Irreversible? | | Intercity Passenger Trains |
89 | Transit 2020: Subsidies Up, Ridership Down | | Transit |
88 | Increasing Safety, Improving the Economy | | Highways |
87 | Americans Are on the Move | | Housing |
86 | How Much Is a Trillion Dollars? | | Government |
85 | Transit: Browner Than Ever | | Transit |
84 | Supercommuting and Marchetti’s Constant | | Highways |
83 | Closing the China-US Freeway Gap | | Highways |
82 | Ten Reasons Why Transit Parity Is a Bad Idea | | Transit |
81 | What Infrastructure Crisis? Highways & Bridges Are Fine | | Highways |
80 | How Transit Subsidies Harm Low-Income People | | Transit |
79 | The Obscure Origins of the Deep State | | Government |
78 | Conventional Buses: Transit's 93-Year-Old Technology | | Transit |
77 | Transit's Diminishing Returns in 2019 | | Transit |
76 | 10 Reasons Not to Build High-Speed Rail in the U.S. | | High-Speed Rail |
75 | BLM: Following the Money | | Natural Resources |
74 | High-Capacity Transit Deceptions | | Transit |
73 | New Transit Lines Won't Relieve Congestion | | Transit |
72 | The Affordable Housing Scam | | Housing |
71 | Recent and Long-Term Housing Trends | | Housing |
70 | The Last Pre-Pandemic Snapshot of the USA | | Transportation |
69 | Transit and the Mania for Density | | Housing |
68 | Rapid Bus: Finding the Right Model | | Transit |
67 | The Streetcar Intelligence Test | | Transit |
66 | Which Rapid-Transit Lines Should Be Replaced with Buses? | | Transit |
65 | The Transit-Industrial Complex | | Transit |
64 | Why the Hyperloop Will Fail | | High-Speed Rail |
63 | Why Trump Should Veto the Great American Outdoors Act | | Natural Resources |
62 | SunFail: Orlando's Commuter-Rail Disaster | | Transit |
61 | High-Speed Rail: Yesterday's Transportation Tomorrow | | High-Speed Rail |
60 | The Mystery of the Missing Motorcoach Miles | | Transportation |
59 | Selling Federal Assets to Pay the National Debt | | Natural Resources
58 | To Densify or Not to Densify: The Debate Continues | | Housing |
57 | Demand the Right to Pay for Your Own Transportation! | | Transportation |
56 | Transit Lost 84 Percent of Riders in April | | Transit |
55 | The Hubris of Central Planners | | Government |
54 | Reducing Poverty by Increasing Auto Ownership | | Automobiles |
53 | Transportation After the Pandemic | | Transportation |
52 | The Rise and Fall of Downtown USA | | Regional Planning |
51 | The Virtues of Autos and Suburbs | | Automobiles |
50 | The MCU School of Transportation Planning | | Transportation |
49 | Class, Not Race, Is the Issue in the Pandemic | | Government |
48 | What Were They Thinking? Post-1980 Commuter Trains | | Transit |
47 | Transportation Resiliency in a World of Black Swans | | Transportation |
46 | Light Rail Disasters | | Transit |
45 | Dude, Where's My Driverless Car? | | Automobiles |
44 | The Induced-Demand Con | | Highways |
43 | The Futility of Trying to Reduce Driving | | Automobiles |
42 | TriMet Compounding 40 Years of Bad Decisions | | Transit |
41 | A Critique of L.A. Metro's 28 by 2028 Plan | | Transit |
40 | Time to End State & Local Highway Subsidies | | Highways |
39 | 2019 Ridership Numbers Reveal Transit's Dim Future | | Transit |
38 | Seattle's Anti-Auto Policies Hurt the Poor | | Automobiles |
37 | Honolulu's Terrible Folly and a Transit Mystery | | Transit |
36 | Make America Affordable Again by Ending the New Feudalism | | Housing |
35 | Transit Capital vs. Operating Costs | | Transit |
34 | 27 Quintillion Transit Charts | | Transit |
33 | Urban Transit Is an Energy Hog | | Transit |
32 | Costs Up, Riders Down: 2018 Transit Database | | Transit |
31 | A Tale of Three Private High-Speed Rail Plans | | High-Speed Rail |
30 | Does Capital Spending Boost Transit Ridership? | | Transit |
29 | Reducing Mobility to Boost Transit | | Transit |
28 | Is Amtrak Guilty of Securities Fraud? | | Intercity Passenger Trains |
27 | Transportation Planning for an Unattainable Fantasy | | Transportation |
26 | Scapegoating Ride Hailing to Justify Transit Subsidies | | Transit |
25 | Making Cities Safe for Pedestrians and Cyclists | | Highways |
24 | The Case for Single-Family Neighborhoods | | Housing |
23 | Home Prices in Growth-Restricted Areas Rise Higher | | Housing |
22 | 2018 Census Data Show Transit in Decline | | Transit |
21 | How the New Starts Fund Harms Transit Riders | | Transit |
20 | Transportation Costs & Subsidies by Mode | | Transportation |
19 | Congestion Is a Problem, Not a Solution | | Highways |
18 | Countering the Forest Service Fire Narrative | | Natural Resources |
17 | Debunking the Fake Farmland Crisis | | Regional Planning |
16 | Should the U.S. Be More Like Europe? | | Transportation |
15 | Transit Ridership Falls Another 2.9% in June | | Transit |
14 | Solving the Amtrak Conundrum | | Intercity Passenger Trains |
13 | Front Range Commuter Rail Is a Terrible Idea | | Transit |
12 | No One Forced Americans to Drive | | Automobiles |
11 | Does Rail Transit Generate Economic Development? | | Transit |
10 | Los Angeles Metro’s New Climate Strategy | | Transit |
9 | The Best Are None Too Good: Ranking Transit Agencies | | Transit |
8 | Reports from the Front Lines in the War on Homeownership | | Housing |
7 | Thanks to New York, April Transit Ridership Grew by 2% | | Transit |
6 | 1,080 Transit Charts in a Single Spreadsheet | | Transit |
5 | How Vital Is Transit In Your Region? Part 2: DOT Data | | Transit |
4 | How Vital Is Transit In Your Region? Part 1: Census Data | | Transit |
3 | Transit Death Spiral: First Quarter Ridership Down 2.6% | | Transit |
2 | A Tale of Two Train Disasters: FasTracks & California High-Speed Rail | | High-Speed Rail |
1 | Transit’s Growing Costs Drive Away Low-Income Commuters | | Transit |