APTA: Strategically Late?

Today the Antiplanner features a guest post from faithful ally Tom Rubin.

The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) publishes transit ridership data every quarter. According to APTA’s web site, “First quarter data are available about July 15 each year; second quarter about October 15; third quarter about January 15; and fourth quarter about April 20.”

July 15 is 106 days after the end of the first quarter. Maybe I’m just growing older, but I don’t recall it taking that long in the past to compile the data; after all, what is involved is having a lot of transit agencies fill out forms with three months of data for each of the modes they operate and get that to APTA. There are always some slowpokes, but that seems a bit much. In fact, I was looking at this page not all that many weeks ago and I could have sworn it said the delay was about two-and-one-half-months, not three-and-one-half.

So, falling back on my auditor training, I decided to search out other factoids that could cast some light on this.

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Amtrak President: High-Speed Rail “Unrealistic”

True high-speed rail — trains going 150 mph or more on newly built tracks — would be “prohibitively expensive” in the United States, says Amtrak President Joseph Boardman. Testifying before the Illinois House Railroad Industry Committee, Boardman said that it makes more sense to improve existing tracks so trains can run at up to 110 mph.

“It’s really not about the speed,” Boardman reportedly said. “It’s about reduced travel times and more frequency.” He added that 110 mph “is double the national speed limit” of 55 mph on highways. Apparently he hasn’t heard that this national speed limit was repealed a mere 22 years ago. (Or maybe he is privy to a plan to re-establish this limit.)

Few media reports about high-speed rail note that a top speed of 110 mph works out to an average speed, including scheduled stops, of just 60 to 75 mph. Between New York and Washington, Amtrak’s regular Northeast Corridor trains, for example, have top speeds of 110 but average 70 mph, whereas the Acela has a top speed of 135 but averages less than 85 mph.

At today’s speed limits, most people can easily average more than 50 mph on intercity freeways, including stops for gas and food, so rail’s advantage is not that great — especially when you consider that your car will go when you want it, will take you directly to your final destination, and will be available for sidetrips along the way.

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Reauthorization Next Year — Maybe

Reauthorization of federal transportation funding, scheduled for 2009, will probably be delayed until 2010, says Senator Mark Warner. Apparently, Congress has too many higher priorities to take care of this year.

Congress historically authorizes transportation funding (most of which comes out of federal gas taxes) for six years. This gives it an opportunity to change direction and gives members of Congress opportunities to raise campaign funds from interest groups whose businesses depend on federal funding.

One reason for the delay, as reported in Congressional Quarterly (on-line version not available), is that the House Transportation Committee’s computer can’t handle all of the earmarks that members want to put into the bill. The computer keeps crashing.

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Is Performance-Based Budgeting the Answer?

The state of California faces a $42 billion budget deficit, and a writer for the Sacramento Bee suggests that the solution is performance-based budgeting. In other words, set “clear and measurable goals and objectives” for each government program and “hold managers accountable” to those goals.

Sounds like a great idea . . . except the federal government already tried it and it didn’t work. In 1993, Congress passed the Government Performance Results Act (GPRA). In essence, GPRA directed every federal agency to set “results-oriented goals” and then to write annual reports revealing how well they met those goals. The only practical effect of this law is to add to the red tape that agency officials must deal with every year.

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Ranking the States

Someone asked the Antiplanner if anyone has ever ranked the restrictiveness of land-use regulation by state. I don’t know of any such ranking, but I pointed out that regulation has several dimensions. Spatial regulations try to control where development can take place. Time regulations effectively limit how quickly developments can take place.

Another time dimension has to do with how long regulations have been in place. An urban-growth boundary drawn last year isn’t as restrictive as one drawn thirty years ago. Finally, land-ownership patterns can effectively restrict development even if there are no overt legal restrictions.

Given that complication, here is my estimate of ranking, with states of roughly similar regulation grouped together. Any and all comments are welcome, especially if they can help make this ranking more precise.

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The Next Boondoggle

A Washington Post writer observes that a roundtrip Amtrak ticket from DC to New York is $140 or more, while there are buses that go the same route for only $20 each way. Unlike Amtrak, the buses have leather seats and free WiFi, and they take only an hour longer than the train.

The Antiplanner made much the same point in an op ed recently published in the Cleveland Plain-Dealer: All American taxpayers will share the cost of a national high-speed rail network, but its use will be limited mainly to the wealthy and those whose employers pay the cost.

Kamagra Oral Jelly remains one of the most affordable medications for erectile dysfunction, especially amongst men who are looking for a mouthsofthesouth.com women viagra australia little extra when performing in bed. These herbs are perfectly blended and processed in the concoction of click now tadalafil price Gokhru, Ashwagandha, Semal Musli and Akarkra. PDE-5 is an enzyme which hinders the erectile functioning, which when inhibited results in better erectile functioning.The medicine discount generic cialis then increases the production of cGMP which increases blood volume. What’s worse, the interaction between immune and cancer stem cells will support purchase levitra tumor cell proliferation and cell apotheosis. The Washington Post failed to mention that the trains are heavily subsidized while the buses are not — yet the buses still manage to charge much lower fares. Of course, the buses will use interstate freeways most of the way, but those interstates were 100 percent funded out of gas taxes and other user fees.

“Interstates paid for themselves out of gas taxes, and most Americans use them almost every day,” says the op ed. “Moderate or high-speed rail would require everyone to subsidize trains that would serve only a small elite.” Is it ironic or just inevitable that the Democratic Party, which likes to to think of itself as the party of the common people, supports policies that take from the poor and middle-class and give to the rich?

Portland Developer Challenges the Political Class

At 70, developer Joe Weston has seen it all in Portland, and done much of it himself. In the 1960s, he noticed that many east-Portland single-family neighborhoods were actually zoned multi-family. So he started buying two or three adjacent homes, which he ripped down and replaced with “Weston specials”: two-story, apartment buildings that resembled cheap motels.

Today, he owns 2,800 units of such apartments. But he is also one of the main developers of the heavily subsidized Pearl District. He just opened one of Portland’s newest condo towers, and he owns many office buildings. Before the crash, his real estate empire was valued at $300 million.

With his focus on dense housing, you would think he would be in the thick of Portland politics. So it was surprising to read a recent letter castigating Portland’s mayor and city commission for being out of touch with the public.

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CDC: Don’t Panic, Just Send Money

Joe Biden, the man who used to take Amtrak to work, tells people to avoid mass transit, passenger trains, and airlines during the swine flu epidemic. No doubt under pressure from the airline and transit industries, Biden’s office hastily reinterprets Biden’s message to mean people should “avoid unnecessary air travel to and from Mexico.”

This whole swine flu epidemic reeks of political correctness. Budget-maximizing bureaucrats at the CDC and various public health agencies, aided by a media that knows that panic sells papers and news broadcasts, fan the flames of worry. But they don’t want to offend the pork industry, so they change the name of the virus. Meanwhile, the Department of Homeland Security either ordered its employees not to wear surgical masks “because they are too intimidating,” or it didn’t, because the “health of our employees is of utmost importance.”

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The H1N1 virus, to use its politically correct name, doesn’t appear to be a repeat of the 1918 Spanish flu. But Biden was only saying what a lot of people (including many school administrators) are thinking: that concentrating people in dense cities and making them dependent on mass transit makes them more vulnerable to terrorist attacks, more susceptible to communicable diseases, and less able to evacuate from hurricanes and other natural disasters. Fortunately, America has lots of low density suburbs filled with people who travel by personal automobile, so we are relatively immune from such problems.

Bank Demolishes Foreclosed Homes

Land-use regulation caused the housing bubble. Now, in at least one city, other regulations have forced a bank to demolish brand-new homes.

It would be easy to say that this shows that builder constructed a surplus of homes. But the truth is that these houses, like their builder and our entire economy, are simply victims of overzealous regulation.

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Among the many rules in the city of Victorville is one that imposes daily fines on the owners of homes not brought up to code within so many months after construction begins. The builder of these homes nearly completed them, then went bankrupt. Given a choice between paying the fines, bringing the homes up to code, or tearing them down, the bank decided to bulldoze them.

According to one of the comments on this site, the “code violation” was some windows broken by local vandals. Another story says it was due to the builder’s failure “to finish roads, walls, and other improvements that bring the community into code.” Whatever the details, this waste — from beginning to end — can be blamed solely on stupid land-use rules.