Driving, Air Travel Surge Above Pre-COVID Levels

Americans took 7.7 percent more airline trips in May 2024 than the same month in 2019, according to TSA passenger counts. While the release of airline passenger-mile data lags other data by a couple of months, March data indicate that domestic flying passenger-miles were 5.5 percent greater than in 2019 while international passenger-miles were 1.5 percent short of 2019. The number of international trips was 4.3 percent greater than in 2019, indicating that people who are traveling internationally are going to closer destinations.

Americans also drove 2.6 percent more miles in May 2024 than May 2019, according to data released last week by the Federal Highway Administration. Rural miles of driving were 8.8 percent greater than before the pandemic while urban miles were just 0.2 percent short of May 2019. Continue reading

Is Bicycling Improving?

One of my many beefs with government planning advocates is that they tend to judge success by measuring inputs rather than outputs. A case in point is a group that calls itself People for Bikes that issued a report last week that claims that Bicycling Is Improving in Cities Across the U.S.

New bike lanes, but are they really safe?

Does it measure that improvement by the number of people cycling in those cities? Or by a reduction in bicycle fatalities and injuries from traffic accidents? No, it instead measure the miles of bike lanes, the reallocations of street space to dedicated bicycle use, reductions in automobile speed limits, and changes to intersections favoring bicyclists. The fact that these “improvements” have been accompanied by increased bicycle fatalities and reductions in bicycle commuting aren’t considered. Continue reading

Good-Bye and Good Riddance to Chevron

The harsh response of left-wing commentators to last week’s Supreme Court reversal of the Chevron decision reveals more about the Left than about the courts. “The Supreme Court just made a massive power grab,” blusters Ian Millhiser for Vox. “Supreme Court executes massive power grab from executive branch,” agrees Kate Riga for TPM.

“Fill her up with Chevron Supreme.” Photo by Joe Ravi.

In 1981, the Environmental Protection Agency under Ronald Reagan changed the definition of the word “source” (as in “source of pollution”) in one of its regulations, effectively allowing industries to pollute more with less oversight. In a case known as Chevron Oil v. the Natural Resources Defense Council, the NRDC challenged this definition and won at the district and appeals court levels. But the Supreme Court overturned this, ruling that courts should give “deference” to federal agencies in how they interpret the law. This became known as the Chevron decision and it has hampered citizen efforts to monitor bureaucracies ever since. Continue reading

Schools Demand Continuance of Old Taxpayer Scam

“Rural schools in California already struggle with declining enrollment, staffing shortages and wildfires,” says Carolyn Jones, writing for Calmatters, a left-leaning policy web site. “Now they’re facing the possible loss of money they’ve relied on for more than a century.” What Jones doesn’t say is that the counties have been scamming federal taxpayers for that money for decades and they’d naturally rather continue the scam than have to raise the money locally.

No children live in the Trinity Alps Wilderness Area, which imposes no costs on the Trinity Alps School District. Yet the school district superintendent somehow finds it “mind boggling” that Congress might not force federal taxpayers to pay the district for every acre of wilderness area and other national forest lands that happens to be in Trinity County, California. Photo by Kee Yip.

Federal lands aren’t taxable by state or local governments. When Congress began setting aside national forests, it decided to make it up to local governments by giving them 25 percent of any revenues the forests earned. In some places, the counties got 50 percent. Congress specified that national forest payments to counties had to be spent on roads and schools. Continue reading

Mid-Day Traffic Now Worse Than AM Rush Hour

Morning and afternoon rush-hour traffic has returned to pre-pandemic levels in many U.S. urban areas, according to INRIX’s 2023 Global Traffic Scorecard. However, what INRIX finds most “astonishing” is that mid-day traffic has grown by an average of 23 percent and is now much greater than during the morning rush hour, and almost as great at around noon as the afternoon rush hour.

U.S. Trips by Start Hour in 2019 and 2023

This will only be astonishing to people who haven’t read the several research studies finding that people who work at home drive more miles per day than people commute who work. As the above chart indicates, morning rush-hour traffic in U.S. urban areas is down 12 percent while afternoon rush-hour traffic is down 9 percent; but total traffic is up because of the 23 percent increase in mid-day traffic. Continue reading

Seattle, San Jose Building the Smallest Apartments

If you are thinking of moving and plan to live in an apartment, Marietta, Georgia or Tallahassee, Florida would be good places to consider. The average apartment in both cities is more than 1,000 square feet, and new apartments are even larger than that, according to a new report from RentCafe, a web site that focuses on apartment life.

Many people in high-tech cities such as San Jose and Seattle are working at home, but it is hard to fit a home office into a studio apartment. Photo by Charles & Hudson.

On the other hand, unless you are a claustrophiliac, West Coast cities are terrible places to search for an apartment. Seattle apartments average less than 700 square feet and apartments built in the last 10 years are even smaller. Worse, apartments now under construction in Seattle average just 430 square feet; only San Jose is building tinier apartments at an average of 423 square feet. Portland and Los Angeles also have smaller-than-average apartments and the ones being built in those cities tend to be tiny: 553 square feet in L.A. and 606 in Portland. Continue reading

He Lived Long Enough to Become the Villian

“You either die a hero,” said a character from a Batman movie, “or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” Neil Goldschmidt, who died last week four days short of his 84th birthday, was once my hero but died the leading villain of Oregon politics.

The official portrait of Mayor Goldschmidt.

After working as a legal aid lawyer for several years, Goldschmidt joined his friend, homebuilder Tom Walsh, in running as reform candidates for the Portland City Council in 1970. Portland, they said, was run by a “good old boy” network that left minorities, low-income people, and many others out of the system. Goldschmidt won; Walsh lost. Continue reading

R.I.P. Mr. Liberty

Libertarians will sorely miss David Boaz, who died last Friday after a year-long battle with cancer. While many familiar with the libertarian movement will remember Milton Friedman, Murray Rothbard, and Karl Hess, Boaz, who was about a year younger than me, was arguably the most eloquent and influential libertarian of my generation.

When Ed Crane founded the Cato Institute in 1977, David Boaz was one of the first persons he hired. For the next 41 years, Boaz served as Executive Vice President. While Crane’s job was to raise money, Boaz effectively ran the organization, overseeing a shop of more than 50 policy experts. Continue reading

April 2024 Transit Ridership 74.6% of 2019

Transit systems carried less than 75 percent as many riders in April 2024 as in the same month before the pandemic, according to data released by the Federal Transit Administration last week. Transit ridership tends to be significantly greater on weekdays than weekends and holidays, but April had the same number of business days in both years. Ridership has been hovering between 73 to 76 percent for the last eight months and since March 2020 has never actually reached 76 percent of pre-pandemic levels.

Of the major modes, bus-rapid transit is doing best with 111 percent of 2019 riders, but that’s mainly because cities such as Houston, San Francisco, and Tampa opened BRT routes between 2019 and 2024. Conventional buses carried 80 percent of 2019 riders, light rail 74 percent, and heavy rail under 70 percent. Commuter trains carried 67 percent but commuter buses carried only 49 percent. Continue reading

April 2024 Driving 6.3% Less Than April 2019

Americans drove 6.3 percent fewer miles in April of 2024 than the same month of 2019, according to data released yesterday by the Federal Highway Administration. This is the first time in nine months that miles of driving have fallen below 99 percent of the same months in 2019.

April driving was also 4.2 percent less than in March 2024. In “normal” years, such as 2018 and 2019, Americans have driven more miles in April than March despite the former having one fewer day, probably because of better weather in April. Continue reading