GOP Advances Two Decades

A left-wing blog accuses Republicans of wanting to “bring transport policy back to the 1950s.” At least, the GOP is two decades ahead of where the Democrats wanted to go, considering that 110-mph intercity trains and light rail both date back to the 1930s, and streetcars to several decades earlier.

Denver Zephyr traveling at 90 mph in 1939. Otto Perry photo. The train’s average speed of about 65 mph was far greater than the so-called high-speed trains proposed for Ohio (average 38.5 mph) or Wisconsin (average 59 mph).

The truth is that Republicans are proposing to be far more fiscally responsible than the Dems. Where House Transportation Committee chair James Oberstar proposed a $500 billion spending bill when less than $300 billion was available to spend, Republicans say they will spend no more than is actually available.

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