Nation’s Worst Transit Agency Counting on Gas Reaching $6/Gallon

The board of directors of the nation’s worst-performing transit agency agreed that they recklessly approved spending hundreds of millions of dollars on BART and other rail projects without knowing where they would find the money to complete and operate the projects. But they expect “gas would be $6 or $7 a gallon in the next five or six years and there would be a much greater demand for BART.”

Since transit riders only pay a fraction of the operating costs and none of the capital costs of transit, even if demand for BART increased it would not magically generate funding for a $4.7 billion extension of BART to San Jose.
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If gas prices don’t rise, they will be broke. If gas prices do rise, they will still be broke. Since it is the taxpayers, not the board, who must pay the cost, they don’t care. Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.

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About The Antiplanner

The Antiplanner is a forester and economist with more than fifty years of experience critiquing government land-use and transportation plans.

2 Responses to Nation’s Worst Transit Agency Counting on Gas Reaching $6/Gallon

  1. Dan says:

    When gas prices rise to those levels and if the transit agency goes broke, at least there will be an alternative transportation mode to have the freedom to choose to use.

    When gas prices rise to those levels and there is no transit alternative, where will the precious freedom to choose be then? Oh yes: we can walk from our McSuburb to the CBD.

    Me, personally, I’ll ride my bike, but those many who are obese won’t have the freedom to choose.


  2. JimKarlock says:

    Dan said: When gas prices rise to those levels and if the transit agency goes broke, at least there will be an alternative transportation mode to have the freedom to choose to use.
    JK: If the transit agency goes broke, we will quit wasting money on transit welfare and be able to concentrate on helping people that need transport help instead of giving away a service.

    Dan said: When gas prices rise to those levels and there is no transit alternative, where will the precious freedom to choose be then?
    JK: No, we will do what they do in countries that already have $6 gas! We will get smaller cars that get twice the gas milage -presto – the equivalent of $3 gas! (Or three times the milage – presto $2 /gal equivalent.)

    Dan said: Oh yes: we can walk from our McSuburb to the CBD.
    JK: But most people aren’t going to the CBD anymore – that is not where most of the jobs or most of the stores are anymore. What century are you thinking of?


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