Posts Disappearing

On Sunday, April 27, the Antiplanner decided to try to do something about the 58,000 phony users (sometimes called “sploggers”) who have signed up on this site, so I installed a new plug-in. Today, I received a few comments on this morning’s post about Christchurch, but this evening, that post is gone. Last week’s post about traffic in Ethiopia is also gone.

I don’t know if the new plug-in caused the problems or if my server somehow lost the posts in a back up. I checked Google’s cache, the Wayback machine, and other sources; Google remembered that there was a Christchurch post but no longer had it in its cache. I apologize for any problems and hope that more posts don’t disappear in the future.
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If anyone cares, I can probably re-create the Christchurch and Ethiopia posts, though of course I can’t re-create everyone’s wonderful comments. Are any other posts missing? Has anyone seen any other problems on this site I should be aware of?

Government Planning Impedes Christchurch Recovery

It’s been more than three years since much of Christchurch, New Zealand, was devastated by an earthquake, and recovery is far from complete. Now, a new report from the New Zealand Council for Infrastructure Development blames the government for hampering the recovery.

Government meddling has not only hampered recovery, it made the effects of the earthquake worse. The owner of the building that collapsed onto this bus, killing all but one of the occupants, had wanted to demolish it before the earthquake, but the city held it up because it was considered a historic structure.

This is a familiar tale: after a natural disaster, instead of letting people rebuild, government planners attempt to impose their ideals of what the city should look like on the supposedly blank landscape. The same thing happened in New Orleans: people from New Urban architect Andrés Duany to the free-market Mercatus Center agree that government planners have impeded recovery of that city after Hurricane Katrina.

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