Amtrak vs. Freight Trains

Trains magazine columnist Fred Frailey is an unabashed lover of passenger trains. So when he suggests that Amtrak is unfair to the freight railroads whose tracks it uses, passenger train supporters should listen.

Railfans often blame the freight railroads for late Amtrak trains, saying that the railroads should always give passenger trains priority under a 1973 law that states, “Except in an emergency, intercity passenger trains operated by or on behalf of [Amtrak] shall be accorded preference over freight trains in the use of any given line of track, junction, or crossing.” But, as Frailey points out (paywall), that 1973 law may be effectively stealing from the railroads when they are running near or at capacity.

For example, the oil boom is generating huge business for BNSF in western North Dakota. BNSF’s east-west main line across North Dakota has a single track with sidings, which should be able to support around 48 trains a day. But Amtrak’s Empire Builder is scheduled to run at 79 miles per hour, while freight trains typically run at only about 59, and the difference in speed means that the Amtrak train effectively reduces the line’s capacity by two or more freight trains a day. Continue reading