Back in the Air Again

The Antiplanner is spending this week in Washington, DC. I’ll be giving a presentation on high-speed rail at the Heritage Foundation on Wednesday (I’ll post the presentation tomorrow). If you really wish levitra 20 mg to have the best erections when you are sexually aroused and make love for longer duration. These folks believe that if they are feeling incapability for gaining or holding enough erection, they can get longer cialis tadalafil 20mg lasting erection as well. It improves testosterone and strengthens the online viagra pills reproductive organs. Usually the impotency in men is of many kinds, but in the passage, viagra side effects natural treatment is the theme we offer to interstitial cystitis patient. Unfortunately, seating is limited and it is booked up. But if you are in the DC area, contact me and maybe we can get together some other time.

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About The Antiplanner

The Antiplanner is a forester and economist with more than fifty years of experience critiquing government land-use and transportation plans.

12 Responses to Back in the Air Again

  1. Dan says:

    Heritage feeds and waters the mouthpieces well, and their FUD distribution channels to the Message Force Multipliers are top-notch. Many a AGW denialist, pro-war agitator and market fetishist has eaten well on Heritage’s dime. Congrats and enjoy the chow!


  2. Scott says:

    People often attack what they don’t understand.
    Do you know what Heritage stands for?
    Basically, freedom, responsibility, education, productivity & economic prosperity [for all].

    Try some reading & hold your misconceptions & bias attitude:

    Similar ideals:

    Try news which isn’t from the narrow, mainstream, left-leaning media:

  3. Dan says:

    Please lad.

    I just saw a shill from Heritage on ABC stating the new Administration report on man-made climate change was ginned up something or other yada fill in your standard talking point here. . No one cares that you like widdle Hewitage and what they stand for.. They have for a long time published FUD and mendacity. That is what the vast majority wants to know.


  4. ws says:

    Scott, you need to take your partisan glasses off for just a second. Newsmax as a credible source? That’s like me posting a link to a left-leaning source and calling it credible.

    By the way, Paul Weyrich, co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, was an ardent supporter of rail transit:

  5. Dan says:

    I missed the NewsMax bit, that trusted spinoff of the Conservative News Service. Good catch.


  6. Mike says:

    Scott: Don’t bother. Dan is a troll. His modus operandi is to call you a child, an ad-hominem he hopes will distract people away from his failure to ever provide objective, logically consistent arguments. Last I checked, in his book, I was a high-schooler, then an 8th grader, and I’ve probably made it all the way to kindergarten at this point.

    Just ignore him. He has nothing to offer, and never will.

    Now if you don’t mind, they’re putting out my mat for nap time.

  7. Dan says:

    Psychologists call the example of #6 ‘selection bias’.


  8. Scott says:

    It’s funny how those acting juvenile & immature use words to describe others as young. Some people have no contribution to this post, even though they still type.

    The fact that some Heritage people expose the fallacies of AGW & that some might like transit is not anything out of the ordinary.

    So you don’t like Heritage & similar groups, then you are against the points it advocates: freedom, responsibility, education, productivity & economic prosperity.

    There was nothing solid against, it reports many news items that the general media don’t cover. The left has a hard time addressing, or even arguing against, facts & principles, just like the pro-transit ant-car people here.

  9. the highwayman says:

    Dan is right, that was just political agenda bias stuff.

    Also just beacuse some one is pro-transit, doesn’t mean that they are anti-auto.

    Just as gulags(left wing) aren’t good & concentration camps(right wing) aren’t good either.

  10. Scott says:

    himan, What is “political agenda bias stuff”?
    Sounds like your cup of tea.
    Everybody wants transportation ability.
    Some, want others to pay for their little use (<4%) & to force others to use their choice. That’s not the case with roads, despite any subsidization, albeit low.

    Sure, somebody can be both pro transit & pro-car.
    Or, against both, which many posters here, seem to be.
    If there’s a philosophy against “subsidies” for roads, used by most (85%+), then that needs to be against transit used by the very few (<4%)
    Should each be fairly equally supported, on a per passenger-mile basis?
    Transit is already 20 times favored.

    Those prisons that you talk of have no content for left-right ideology.
    Please try to be relevant. Both your examples are for innocent people, one for ideological opponents & the other for “perceived” threats (approved by FDR). Along those lines (but far removed), would you like ClubGitmo terrorists to be released in your hood?

    Consider free enterprise (not anarchy) vs. pro-big gov.
    Feel free to move to Cuba or North Korea. There’s plenty of general taxes for infrastructure & restrictions on behavior, as you & others so love.

  11. the highwayman says:

    Scott said:
    himan, What is “political agenda bias stuff”?
    Sounds like your cup of tea.
    Everybody wants transportation ability.
    Some, want others to pay for their little use (<4%) & to force others to use their choice. That’s not the case with roads, despite any subsidization, albeit low.

    THWM: Though what you are doing is political agenda based by not wanting transit to have proper funding. Your not thinking about others that don’t have cars or can’t drive.

    Scott: Sure, somebody can be both pro transit & pro-car.
    Or, against both, which many posters here, seem to be.
    If there’s a philosophy against “subsidies” for roads, used by most (85%+), then that needs to be against transit used by the very few (<4%)
    Should each be fairly equally supported, on a per passenger-mile basis?
    Transit is already 20 times favored.

    THWM: The deck is loaded, for the most part roads have always been public to an extent. The Romans didn’t pay for their vast system roads with gas taxes.

    The passenger mile thing, is just to distort things, you can cover more miles by car than by foot in the same amount of time.

    Scott: Those prisons that you talk of have no content for left-right ideology.
    Please try to be relevant. Both your examples are for innocent people, one for ideological opponents & the other for “perceived” threats (approved by FDR). Along those lines (but far removed), would you like ClubGitmo terrorists to be released in your hood?

    THWM: That is far removed and makes no sense.

    Scott:Consider free enterprise (not anarchy) vs. pro-big gov.
    Feel free to move to Cuba or North Korea. There’s plenty of general taxes for infrastructure & restrictions on behavior, as you & others so love.

    THWM: Nothing in life is free.

    Though Scott, you want policy that restricts others.

    I think people need options.

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