Back on the Road Again

The Antiplanner is visiting several western cities over the next couple of weeks to discuss rail transportation and, not so incidentally, promote my new book, Romance of the Rails. Here is my schedule:

Wednesday, November 7: Denver, Liberty on the Rocks, Chopper’s Sports Grill, 80 S Madison St. Meeting starts at 6 pm; I’ll start speaking at 7 pm.

Friday, November 9: Albuquerque, 4301 The 25 Way, Suite B (look for Americans for Prosperity) at Jefferson and I-25 across from Panera, sponsored by the Rio Grande Foundation, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm.

Tuesday, November 13: Phoenix, 3835 N. 32nd Street, Suite 7 (Americans for Prosperity), 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, sponsored by the Arizona Free Enterprise Club.

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If you live in one of these urban areas, I hope to see you at the meetings. In the meantime, postings here might be light due to travel time.

Since someone is going to ask, I thought about doing this trip by Amtrak. I could have gotten around the lack of an easy rail connection between Denver and Albuquerque by scheduling different dates, but the thought of juggling numerous boxes of books and other materials combined with the discomforts I experienced on my last Amtrak trips dissuaded me.

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About The Antiplanner

The Antiplanner is a forester and economist with more than fifty years of experience critiquing government land-use and transportation plans.

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