Liberal or Far Right?

A French politician who wants to prioritize housing for French residents, as opposed to Middle Eastern immigrants and refugees, is considered extreme right. But a Canadian politician who proposes to ban purchases of homes by foreigners is considered a liberal.

Foreigners occupying low-income housing makes less subsidized housing available for French residents. Of course, if the government liberalized land-use laws, there could be plenty of housing for everyone with fewer subsidies.

What’s the difference? Mainly that Canada has approved the ban while polls show that the “extreme right” candidate is likely to lose. I guess if you call yourself a liberal you can get away with a lot that leads people to demonize conservatives.

Ten million people in France, or 16 percent of the nation’s residents, live in subsidized housing. The country also has close to 4 million Muslim residents, mostly immigrants from northern Africa or the Middle East and most of whom live in subsidized housing. Many are refugees that France accepted under European Union policies, and since French taxpayers are paying for their housing, the EU’s imposition of those policies is controversial.

Many of the foreigners buying housing in Canada, however, are wealthy residents of or immigrants from China and Hong Kong. They aren’t costing taxpayers anything, but Vancouver’s growth-management policies have made housing there some of the least affordable in the world. Toronto and Montreal also have growth-management policies that have pushed up housing prices, though housing in most of the rest of Canada remains affordable.

It’t not like anywhere in Canada is running out of land. British Columbia is a third larger than Texas, yet has only one-sixth as many people. Vancouver is a victim of a completely artificial housing shortage caused by land-use controls written several decades ago.

As I noted yesterday, politicians never place the blame for high housing prices where it belongs: on the growth-management policies that they themselves approved. Instead, they blame scapegoats such as AirBNB, foreign buyers, or single-family zoning. None of these caused housing to become expensive and changing them won’t make housing more affordable, but the politicians look good for pretending to do something.

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About The Antiplanner

The Antiplanner is a forester and economist with more than fifty years of experience critiquing government land-use and transportation plans.

8 Responses to Liberal or Far Right?

  1. LazyReader says:

    Import the Third world become the third world….
    In Germany 80% of All new violent crime in the last several years is attributed to the people they imported.

    Analytical and historic research as well as basic cause and effect shows low-IQ groups are incapable of sustaining a democracy or beneficial form of government. Sub-Saharan Africa; IQ’s range in the mid 60’s to low 80’s. If we had been allowed to discuss IQ and do cognitive/intelligence research that fedderal government largely banned after the WWII; the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars would never had occurred…. Because no one would have been under the illusion a Democracy would emerge from a population with an IQ in the low 80’s. Many indigenous societies; average IQ’s occupy the range of the low 80’s that is why tribalism was their main form of governing.

    Native American IQ’s average in the low 80’s……. 400 years of exposure to modernity they still fail to get ahead. Meanwhile High IQ Jews and Chinese and Europeans… fled the Holocaust and Cultural Revolution and Fascism respectively, fled their homeland with NOTHING in their pockets and no English skills whatsoever; and in no more than 2-3 generations matched or exceeded US median Incomes.
    Japanese who didn’t see a steam engine til the 1850’s were still fighting with swords; only took 50 years to become a world power. Japanese Americans; who came to he US in the 1860’s; were discriminated against, interned by WWII with confiscation of assets and homes in no more than 30 years; rebuilt their networth and in mere 2-3 generations are some of the highest per capita earners in US. IQ Matters far more than skin color or what you call God(s).

    The cultural and intellectual mindset of how societies thrive/collapse is clearly understood and we’ve seen the experiments, South Africa, MidEast, Asia, and European nations, Ameica’s inner city, etc.
    1: Put groups with different average IQs and cultural mindsets together.
    2. Different group outcomes emerge on factors like education, employment, wealth, etc (lots of individual exceptions) but largely cultures that stress education, knowledge, industry, science and set moral standards do well….Societies that don’t stress these factors; huge sums of their populace become wards of the state, welfare collectors or future prison inmates.
    3. Destroy anyone who talks about differences; degrade education and institutions that foster intelligent debate and freer societies. Then condemn the successful til they leave
    4. Attribute the differential outcomes in Step: 2 to Bigotry rather than performance and acceptance of personal behavior and admitting faults
    5. Watch the bloodshed in the streets.

    Geopolitical stability and personal freedom cannot survive average IQ’s below 90. Differences in IQ and race by genetic factors are difficult subjects for conservatives and liberals to handle.
    Conservatives hate it because it’s based on biology and evolution a science they know little about.
    Liberals hate it because it puts to rest the egalitarian notion Everyone has the same potential.

    The first predictable act when a nations government is overthrown/collapse is non-constitutional, non democratic authorities. Africa fell to warlordism. And the MidEast fell to a fundamentalist theocracy. Average IQ’s in Africa and Middle East, BELOW 90. What you’re seeing in these CHOP/Chaz zones is the return of something worse than Fascism. Tribalism. A systemic group mentality that stresses survival by inflicting violence in ALL directions even at their own.

    – Hillary and Obama destabilized and overthrew Libya. While I was no supporter of Gaddafi; he kept the country stable. The very idea a “Jeffersonian Democracy” would emerge from his ousting is laughable, Average IQ’s in Libya: 82
    – Average IQ in Syria is 83 the rise of ISIS was predictable and their first acts was to destroy all non-Islamic possessions of history and antiquities.
    – I did not agree with Aparteid in South Africa; however before SA went from the fastest developing African Nation; to one of the slowest…Average IQ in South Africa is 77. That’s why Elon Musk fled for the US.
    – Patrick Stewart and John Cleese fled Londonistan to become a US citizen and live in the Carribean respectively. Average Pakistani IQ’s are 84. London is now the largest refuge for pakistani expats.

  2. fazalmajid says:

    There is path-dependence at work as well.

    Jean-Marie Le Pen’s father founded the Front National party, on an openly antisemitic and explicitly anti-Arab racist platform (he engaged in torture during the Algerian war, and lost an eye to a bombing by independentists).

    His daughter Marine decided to launder the party’s detestable image by downplaying the antisemitic element and doubling down on Islamophobia as a winning electoral strategy instead, but it still lurks under the surface, as with all those members nostalgic of Marshal Pétain’s Vichy régime that volunteered anti-Jewish measures during the war even before the Nazis asked them to. She has succeeded in capturing a big chunk of former Communist voters, and in an irony of history, shown fealty to Vladimir Putin’s regime just as complete as the French Communist Party’s to Stalin back in the day.

    Given this history, she is not given the benefit of doubt a Trudeau might get.

    It’s also worth mentioning the North African immigrant community in France is overwhelmingly not made up of refugees, but guest workers eagerly imported during the economic boom of the 1950s through 70s to feed French industry much-needed labor. Those were very hard-working and productive members of society. The problems come from the second generation who feel discriminated against, and have adopted typically French forms of violent protest, while also showing themselves worryingly susceptible to Islamist propaganda.

  3. kx1781 says:

    Vancouver’s housing prices were silly in the 90s.

    Vancouver’s 1990s housing prices look sane compared to today.

    In 1977, the average sale price of a home in Greater Vancouver was roughly $90,000, according to the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver’s (REBGV) chart that highlights average home sale prices from 1977 to 2017.

  4. Sketter says:

    “Instead, they blame scapegoats such as AirBNB, foreign buyers, or single-family zoning. None of these caused housing to become expensive and changing them won’t make housing more affordable, but the politicians look good for pretending to do something.”

    New Orleans, Venice, and Charleston just to name a few cities that AirBnB has made expensive. I have known a number of people who have been evicted from their rentals in New Orleans so the landlord can turn their units into AirBnBs.

  5. kx1781 says:

    AirBnB makes it possible to rent places at hotel prices without having to build a hotel.

    That does not make a place expensive. It means that neighborhoods that are not well served by enough short term rental options can get them.

    AirBnB makes experiencing those communities more attainable for the masses.

  6. Sketter says:

    It also removes the supply of rentals for residents. There are examples of whole blocks in New Orleans that are essentials de facto hotels. There are numerous examples of people buying up homes in New Orleans and using them exclusively for AirBnB which also removes the supply of housing stock for rentals or owner occupied residents.

  7. LazyReader says:

    Build artificial islands. I was incorrect … but partially true.
    Around 10 billion tonnes of concrete are manufactured each year: a staggering one cubic metre for every person on Earth. Coated in ph balanced marine friendly concrete…. you can build artificial island the size of palm Jumeirah from demolished concrete. US sends 147 million tons of concrete to landfills…and globally its neatly a billion plus tons. Better than landfill….why waste a good resource….It can also be used as rip rap for shore fortification against erosion…..There isn’t a single beach that isn’t suffering some effects of erosion.

  8. LazyReader says:

    Macron won. .. France can spend another couple years being “Culturaly enriched”

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