Have a Safe and Happy Holiday

This Fourth of July is a four-day weekend for many and a record 50 million Americans are expected to travel to celebrate, including more than 43 million by auto. Please keep in mind the latest highway accident data and drive carefully to wherever you are going.

Once you arrive, remember: only you can prevent forest fires, which means avoiding fireworks in dry areas. Fireworks start over 19,000 fires a year including a 47,000-acre fire in Oregon’s Columbia River Gorge in 2017. The Forest Service urges people to use red, white, and blue silly string instead of fireworks, though even that is controversial.

With these cautions in mind, I hope you have a great holiday.

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About The Antiplanner

The Antiplanner is a forester and economist with more than fifty years of experience critiquing government land-use and transportation plans.

3 Responses to Have a Safe and Happy Holiday

  1. genomes says:

    Q: What do you call people who travel on Fourth of July?

    A: Idiots.

    I don’t get the desire to pack up all your stuff in an RV or SUV and drive hours through bumper-to-bumper traffic to squeeze into an overbooked campground that’s noisier than your neighborhood.

    There will be lots of DUIs this weekend. Lots of preventable fatalities because of drinking and driving. And even more fireworks stupidity. Probably more of things like this: https://www.ems1.com/explosion/articles/man-killed-instantly-after-launching-fireworks-mortar-off-his-head-01QiBvEkzLVmYAP6/

    And, yes, lots of wildfires due to illegal fireworks and local governments’ refusal to enforce the law. (This is why I enjoyed living in a 4,000-acre resort with an HOA that shut that stuff down.)

    Let’s not forget that the liberals carrying out these dangerous shenanigans are the same liberals who yelled at people to mask outdoors and who forced mRNA jobs on people to keep their jobs. But they have no problem buying illegal fireworks and detonating them over their neighbor’s property and houses.

    So happy fake holiday, everyone! Enjoy your stupid road trips and illegal fireworks!

  2. LazyReader says:

    Thanksgiving travel.
    More like fly on black Friday when everyone else is in store.

    Celebrate nations independence is easy. Bear in mind it took 4 days for horseback riders to travel with copies of the declaration. America’s Independence day took 4 days to implement

  3. LazyReader says:

    About 31% of all traffic crash fatalities in the United States involve drunk drivers.

    Wanna stop accidents?
    FIRST DUI, you’re banned from alcohol or driving for a year. Violatoon, 6 months jail. Breathalyzer on your car for one. 2nd DUI license revoked permanently.

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