A Realistic Transit Game

Here’s a fun new game you can buy. It’s called Transform Transit and the goal of the game is to complete new transit projects such as building new stations or replacing the vehicle fleet. While attempting to manage projects, players have to keep employee morale up and get stooges transit bloggers to write glowing reviews of the projects.

One thing that is missing is actually getting people to ride transit, but that’s perfectly realistic as that no longer seems to be a goal of transit agencies. Related to that is increasing fare revenues, but again that’s no longer a goal of transit agencies. Instead, the goal is to keep politicians and political allies happy so the transit agency can get a continuous stream of subsidies to fund more projects.

The game’s creator says her “goal is to start conversations about the challenges of policy implementation and what it will take to fix our government agencies to better serve the public.” Apparently, “serve the public” means “convince the public to spend more money” not “carry more transit riders.” Again, perfectly realistic.

Also like real transit, the game is overpriced, costing (depending on how many people buy it) around $75 to $80. Those who are gullible interested can buy it here, but hurry! This offer expires at midnight (Pacific Time) on September 29.

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About The Antiplanner

The Antiplanner is a forester and economist with more than fifty years of experience critiquing government land-use and transportation plans.

6 Responses to A Realistic Transit Game

  1. tonor says:

    The game ships on January 30, 2024, according the website. That is ridiculous.

    • Builder says:

      No, it’s not ridiculous. They are getting you ready for the actual timeline of transit projects.!

      • PlanningAspirant says:

        Stuff takes time to build. I’m sorry that we can star trek materialize matter from pure energy yet, so until then we have to take time to build things like roads, rail lines, and buildings with more than one floor. Also the game releases in just a couple months? sorry you cant hate-play an overpriced game that isnt even fully complete yet?

  2. freddieM says:

    in my youth, an older, wiser person pointed out to me one alternate definition of “service”, it’s what a bull does to a cow.

    this definition seems more aptly applied to the public in this case.

  3. tester says:

    too expensive and takes too long what a surprise

  4. JohnCar says:

    So here we have a game the purpose of which is to train people to rob the taxpayers as cleverly and obscenely as possible.

    I thought this was the first game to do so but then remembered Grand Theft Auto. At least that game title honestly described what you would be doing.

    Let’s call the new game Grand Theft Transit. that would be a start in the right direction.

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