Amtrak Carries 109% of 2019 Passenger-Miles

Both Amtrak and the airlines have fully recovered from the pandemic. The airlines carried 105.5 percent as many passengers in March 2024 as March 2019, according to data released by the Transportation Security Administration. Amtrak carried 109.1 percent as many passenger-miles in March as in the same month before the pandemic, according to the state-owned company’s monthly performance report.

The airlines have been around 100 percent at least since January of 2023, while Amtrak has been there since August of 2023. Driving data are not yet available for March but driving has been hovering around 100 percent of 2019 levels since July of 2021. March data for transit, the only mode that hasn’t recovered from the pandemic, should be available soon, but I will be on a river trip next week so won’t be able to post those data until the week after.

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About The Antiplanner

The Antiplanner is a forester and economist with more than fifty years of experience critiquing government land-use and transportation plans.

8 Responses to Amtrak Carries 109% of 2019 Passenger-Miles

  1. LazyReader says:

    An analysis of Amtrak shows mostbits riders are seasonal. That’s how they should Run their market. Buy vintage looking trains, then beautify the surrounding countryside with trees and flowers. Toy sontneven have to make the trains fast, just make em Nice.

  2. janehavisham says:

    “Amtrak Carries 109% of 2019 Passenger-Miles”

    That’s all the evidence AP needs to shutdown Amtrak.

    • Henry Porter says:

      Amtrak is boasting about being on the taxpayer dole for 53 years. In a sane world, it would have been shut down at least 40 years ago.

  3. janehavisham says:

    Meanwhile big government bureaucrats in Michigan are destroying a beautiful and historic parking lot and replacing it with housing that no one wants to live in:

  4. TheRailroader says:

    Thank you for this. Frankly, I never bothered to dig out these reports. After looking at a few, there is one completely consistent ratio seen in all the monthly reports.

    Passenger revenue doesn’t even cover payroll. Ever.

    I knew Amtrak was always a financial mess but seeing that information coming from the organization is troubling.

  5. janehavisham says:

    A wonderful road that allowed motorists to enjoy a scenic view of the Seine river destroyed, just so a few elitists can waste time without contributing anything to the vitally important billions of miles driven statistic:

    • LazyReader says:

      You jest sarcasm but right in irony.
      The issue is cities desperate attempt to be more “liveable” aka Real term should be pleasant. Turning roads into mini parks for people to essentially sit and do nothing except stare at their phones or eat street food.

      Here’s another thing American developers and their urbanist Jane Jacob’s whackoff fantasies aren’t going to tell you about Paris, 25-30% of the population lives in public housing…in terms of green space you take what you can get.

      More trees, parks and bike lanes are nice but they slowwwww society. Paris is going broke. So this Attarctiveness chic is attempt lure more tourists…. ?

  6. janehavisham says:

    “Paris is going broke”

    Citation needed

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