Rest in Peace, Old Friend

July 1, 1993 – October 11, 2010

Chip on Christmas, 2009.

Knowing this day would eventually arrive didn’t make it any easier, nor did the fact that, at 17 years three months, Chip outlived most other dogs of his size by several years. If I live to share my home with a hundred more dogs, I’ll never find one as nice as Chip.
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His last portrait, October 11, 2010.

What gentler eye, what nobler heart
Doth warm the winter’s nip
Than the true blue orb and the oaken core
Of beloved old dog Chip?
(after Walt Kelly)

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About The Antiplanner

The Antiplanner is a forester and economist with more than fifty years of experience critiquing government land-use and transportation plans.

18 Responses to Rest in Peace, Old Friend

  1. Dan says:

    My condolences at the loss of your old friend, Randal. He’s resting peacefully now.


  2. C. P. Zilliacus says:

    Thank you for sharing your experiences with Chip with your friends in this forum. And photographs of him.

    Not that it makes losing him any easier, but enjoy the memories of the good times that you had with your friend.

  3. bennett says:

    So sorry to hear about this. I never saw a dog that smiled for the camera like Chip.

  4. stevenplunk says:

    They don’t call them man’s best friend for nothing. Sorry about the ol’ boy passing on. A pat on the head and a scratch behind the ears is all they ever want and for that we love them so.

  5. Frank says:

    Very sad news. I have enjoyed your posts about Chip.

  6. Borealis says:

    I also have enjoyed your posts about Chip. I am jealous of dogs on walks in the wild as they get to experience so much more with their nose. I bet Chip had a life full of stimulating hikes.

  7. Scott says:

    A human, of equivalent age, would probably have died earlier, due to Obamacare not covering & not allowing an individual to pay for medical expenses.

    Statism will create emotionless machine-like human.
    Work for the collective.
    Behave like this.
    Live this way, here.
    Follow this huge list of regs & restrictions.

    Condolences for loss. Now, maybe you’ll interact with humans more. Excuse me for the dig, but, in my opinion, I see attachment to animals as introverted. Don’t take that as an insult or a negative, just a weak observation & actually rather meaningless.

  8. Scott says:

    Oh, some perspective about pet losses might help.
    I usually like what Mark Levin says (surprise?), but I just tune out any mention of pets. He wrote a book about The Canine Sprite or something.

  9. bennett says:

    What good is being an extrovert if you have little to no capability of showing sympathy to someone who has lost a friend?

  10. the highwayman says:

    Scott said:
    A human, of equivalent age, would probably have died earlier, due to Obamacare not covering & not allowing an individual to pay for medical expenses.

    Statism will create emotionless machine-like human.
    Work for the collective.
    Behave like this.
    Live this way, here.
    Follow this huge list of regs & restrictions.

    Condolences for loss. Now, maybe you’ll interact with humans more. Excuse me for the dig, but, in my opinion, I see attachment to animals as introverted. Don’t take that as an insult or a negative, just a weak observation & actually rather meaningless.

    THWM: Though Scott, not every body wants to conform & be your slave in a plutocratic in a police state!

  11. msetty says:

    Scott, why don’t you STFU when you want to inject politics into somewhere it’s so off base, it really isn’t funny and utterly lacks any empathy or insight.

    Are a Vulcan or some other mythical emotionally-impoverished automaton than never had a pet, and has absolutely no clue why humans like animals?

  12. davek says:

    So sorry for your loss, Antiplanner. Chip seemed like a very good companion.

  13. Spokker says:

    Sad to hear.

    We are reaching our financial limit with our pet cat so we may be going through a similar thing soon.

  14. bbream says:

    I’m very sorry for your loss, AP. I always enjoyed your posts about Chip. Thank you for sharing him with us.

  15. Scott says:

    What’s this about being a slave, conformity & statism?
    Oh yeah, that’s what you dream for.
    Big gov, everybody move & live in the same public way.

  16. Scott says:

    Please pay attention when you try to read.
    I didn’t type anything political. WTF are you referring to?
    Oh, there’s a loss, so be sad, completely for 1 day, 1 week, 1 month? Ignore all else. Focus on grief.
    Great PMA. You’ll be among the first to panic & perish when martial law is declared. That will be before the end of 1/2011.

  17. the highwayman says:

    Scott said:
    What’s this about being a slave, conformity & statism?
    Oh yeah, that’s what you dream for.
    Big gov, everybody move & live in the same public way.

    THWM: You’re out lunch!

  18. Scott says:

    I owe you lunch?
    You have it backwards, again.
    I win all bets & debates between us.
    You lose by default & avoidance.
    Well, you occasionally try to make points, but they’re invalid, wrong, inaccurate, fallacious or other off-type It’s similar to about anything that Barry Soetaro says.

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