Obama in Portland

Barack Obama attracted some 72,000 people to a waterfront rally in Portland, my old hometown. Aerial photos of the event (which are copyrighted so I won’t include them here) are pretty incredible.

Part of the rally stands in front of one of Portland’s subsidized New Urban developments.
Flickr photo by Selena Marie.

Some of those who could not find room on the grass floated in kayaks and other boats in the Willamette River.
Flickr photo by Ryan Harvey.

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Barack Obama framed by a construction crane located in Portland’s Downtown Waterfront Urban Renewal District, which taxpayers have subsidized to the tune of $165 million.
Flickr photo by Selena Marie.

Obama said one thing about Portland that the Antiplanner agrees with. “It’s time to learn from what is happening in Portland, with mass transit and bicycle riding.” However, considering that Obama was introduced by the current godfather of Portland’s light-rail mafia, Earl Blumenauer, I suspect that what Obama has learned is not the same as what the Antiplanner would tell him.

No doubt Blumenauer has stressed that Portland planning has made the city a Mecca for transit and cycling. The Antiplanner would point out that the share of Portland-area commuting and total travel that uses transit has declined since the region began investing in rail transit. As for cycling, it is easy to increase the percentage of people cycling when you price most of the region’s families with children out of the housing market.

Still, the rally, probably the largest political event of this campaign, was an inspiring site. With the very slight help from the Antiplanner’s ballot, Obama is expected to win Oregon’s primary today.

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About The Antiplanner

The Antiplanner is a forester and economist with more than fifty years of experience critiquing government land-use and transportation plans.

5 Responses to Obama in Portland

  1. bennett says:

    You never cease to amaze me. I would have never thought that a dude so adamantly opposed to government planning and government subsidies would support a big government guy like Obama. I thought you were a Ron Paul guy for sure 😉

  2. As I explained here, my preference for Obama is based solely on foreign policy. On domestic issues, I am closer to McCain.

  3. Hugh Jardonn says:

    I will be voting for McCain in the fall because I completely agree with him and Joe Lieberman about the Islamofascist threat. Remember 9/11.

  4. mmmarvel says:

    Yup, pretty amazing that you would vote for Obama. I view Hillary as a socialist and Obama as an uber socialist. Should he get voted in I fear this country will fall even worse than when Carter was president. Just say NO to Obama.

  5. the highwayman says:

    So Mr.O’Toole is socialist too.

    Privatize profits, socialize costs.

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