Save Us from Subsidized Highways!

The hearing that I testified at yesterday heard from five witnesses: four who supported transit as a “core climate solution” and one skeptic. I like to think we were about evenly matched.

My testimony focused on two points. First, despite increasing transit subsidies by 1250 percent (adjusted for inflation) since 1970, transit travel has declined from 49 to 45 trips per urban resident and transit’s share of urban travel has declined from 4.0% to 1.6%. Second, even if we could get more people to ride transit, transit uses as much energy, and emits nearly as much greenhouse gases, as cars; and the trends suggest that cars will be more environmentally friendly than any transit system in the country by 2025.

There were two interesting responses to my testimony. First, another witness said (and I’m quoting from memory), “All he did was divide total greenhouse gas emissions by passenger miles.” A reporter told me later that it sounded like he was questioning my methods, but his real argument was that more money spent on transit in combination with smart-growth land-use planning would lead to reduced auto driving.

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High-Speed Opinions

Publication of the Antiplanner’s views on high-speed rail in the Denver Post and Iowa City Press-Citizen has naturally produced both positive and negative comments. Most of the negative ones fall into two categories:

1. Ad hominem attacks on the Cato Institute; and

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It may be a testament to the quality of our public schools that the analytical skills of Americans smart enough to use a web browser have reached such depths of sophistication.

The Lobbying Begins

When Obama announced his “high-speed rail vision” — actually, a group of six disjointed rail networks — the Antiplanner predicted that the 17 states and hundreds of cities not on the network would begin lobbying to have those gaps filled in. The biggest gap is between Kansas City and California — outside of the Pacific Coast, none of the states in the West are on the map at all.

Planners to the rescue! The metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) for Reno, Las Vegas, and Salt Lake City have agreed to put up $60,000 each to hire lobbyists to promote high-speed rail to their cities. They’ve asked the MPOs for Phoenix, Albuquerque, and Denver to join them in their “Western High Speed Rail Alliance.” Naturally, the planners in Phoenix support the idea, though I haven’t heard whether the “management committee” approved it during its recent meeting.

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High-Speed Rail: An Idea Whose Time Has Gone

Some readers seem to think I have an ingrained hatred of trains. Nothing could be further from the truth. Back in the 1970s and early 1980s, I used the train as my exclusive mode of travel outside the Pacific Northwest. I made many trips to Washington, DC by train. I was over 30 years old before I flew in an airplane for the first time, and that was only because I was going to Alaska, which you can’t get to by train (while there, I rode both the Alaska Railway and the White Pass & Yukon Route).

If the United States had a true national high-speed rail network, I could see myself taking the train to DC now. Portland to DC is about 2,800 miles, which would be 20 hours in a 140-mph train (which is approximately the average speed of trains whose top speed is 220 mph, the speed the California High-Speed Rail Authority aspires to). That could be enough to get me to stop flying, especially if the train was timed to arrive in DC at, say, 8 in the morning.

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Call Me Skeptical

D4P wants me to state my position on global climate change. I haven’t done so because normally I take positions only on subject about which I have a lot of expertise. t g rightly guesses that I focus on the political question rather than the scientific one.

But if I have to take a position, I would say I am still skeptical about climate change. I am skeptical about any policy position that depends so heavily on computer models. I’ve spent years analyzing computer models and I know they are most often used as black boxes to confuse and dismay the public. Climate is a complex if not a chaotic system that is not amenable to modeling.

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More on LaHood

The National Press Club posted a video of Secretary of Behavior Modification Ray LaHood’s May 21 presentation in which he admitted that the administration’s goal is to “coerce people out of their cars.” The Antiplanner downloaded it (all 193 MB) and transcribed the relevant portion of the question-and-answer period to see if LaHood’s quotes were taken out of context.

The questions below are preceded by the minutes:seconds in the video where the question begins. LaHood’s answers are in bold and the Antiplanner’s comments are in italics.

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NY Waterway Near Bankruptcy

NY Waterway, the private ferry company whose boats rescued most of the passengers of US Air 1549 when it landed in the Hudson, may be another victim of the credit crunch. Ridership These ingredients can bring numerous benefits to the genital organs, low levels of testosterone, heart problems, and diabetes also suffer from poor libido. viagra online in uk Along with this, the IIEF was repeated after 2 years to consider success cialis pills canada or failure in improvement of erectile dysfunction. At present, you can easily cure this health disorder by evaluating generic tadalafil 20mg the actual cause of problem. Kamagra jellies: Caring a very old age group of 60-80, the pharmacy has manufactured the jelly form to tadalafil no prescription treat ED and to offer firm hard-on for a pleasing physical intimacy. has dropped 12 percent and the company needs to refinance a loan, which may not be possible in this market. Of course, lots of companies are in trouble; let’s hope NY Waterway pulls through.

Flaws in the HSR Plan

When President Obama persuaded Congress to include $8 billion for high-speed rail in the economic stimulus, he had in mind upgrades to existing freight and Amtrak tracks that would allow trains to go as fast as 110 miles per hour. In a lot of places, the main upgrades that are necessary are improvements to grade crossings.

Under Federal Railroad Administration rules, no grade crossings are allowed when trains go above 125 miles per hour. At 110 to 125, an “impenetrable barrier” (such as this four-gate crossing) must block traffic at grade crossings. From 60 to 110, the FRA allows conventional two-gate crossings, that is, the gates only need to block the “entering” lanes of the road.

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The other good news is that none of the 20 passengers on board the train were hurt either. Twenty passengers? Why are we spending more than a billion dollars a year subsidizing Amtrak trains, much less considering spending tens of billions on high-speed rail, when some of those trains carry fewer than half as many passengers as could fit on a typical intercity bus?

Self-Steering Buses

While doing research on driverless highways, I ran across this video of a self-steering bus in Adelaide.

The bus line is called the “O-bahn” with O standing for omnibus (which was abbreviated to bus about a century ago) and bahn being German for road. Interestingly, it relies on a mechanical device to keep the bus on the track. As shown below, a small wheel projects from each side of the bus. When the wheel hits the concrete curb on the side of the roadway, it turns the bus wheel slightly. The driver controls the speed and steers the bus when it leaves the bahn.

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Is Obesity Increasing?

Alarming headlines last week read, “ Obese Americans now outweigh the merely overweight.” The story cites a report from the National Center for Health Statistics.

As near as I can tell, the actual report being cited says that changes in obesity rates are “not statistically significant.” In other words, the survey results are not accurate enough to say that obesity rates have actually increased. That is a lot less alarming.

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