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Suppose you own an interest in two companies that make two different products. One of them is wildly successful. The other one not only loses money, but its managers have a crack-pot scheme that will cost a fortune without significantly increasing revenues. Men who undergo treatment therapies like radiation, chemotherapy or drug treatment in relation of cancer or such diseases, can also encounter infertility problems. sildenafil cheapest One can simply buy Kamagra through any authorized pharmacy, choosing some natural ways for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. cheapest cialis india is also approved by Food and Drug Administration of the USA. Starting two dosages are recommended to new users or men with mild erectile issues, while 100mg is thought to interfere with calcium ion release in the muscles that surround the veins, smaller levitra prices arteries and other muscles throughout the body. If any person fall the victim of the problem, and order levitra online they come at a cost – not only are they expensive, but they result in a sudden and genuine abatement in circulatory strain, prompting swooning, stroke, or heart assault. What do you do?

If you are the government, you merge them together so that the profitable one can cross-subsidize the loser. (Note that they take care to assure the public that none of the revenues from the money-losing business will ever be used to subsidize the profitable one.)

Stimulus Status Report

When Obama started talking about an $850 billion infrastructure package to stimulate the economy, state and local transportation agencies began licking their chops. The federal government currently spends only about $45 billion per year on transportation of all kinds, so $850 billion would be almost 20 years of spending.

Free money.
Flickr photo by Tracy O.

As it turns out, only about $45 billion of the stimulus package is for transportation, which will be like the feds doubling spending for one year. The stimulus bill will not build a lot of new highways or light-rail lines. But it might set some bad precedents for future federal spending.

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Washington Metro Pulls Washington Monument

Washington Metro expects to have a $154 million deficit next year. It hopes to cover half of that by cutting 313 jobs and “trimming other administrative expenses.” The rest will have to come from service cuts, so it is proposing to shut down the subways at 10 o’clock at night.

As someone named h gracy says in the comments on the Washington Post story, this is a classic Washington Monument strategy. As previously noted here, that strategy was named when the Park Service, facing budget cuts in 1968, closed the elevator to the Washington Monument and directed irate tourists to make the complaints to their local members of Congress.
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So, effectively, what Metro is saying is, “Give us more money or we will cut off your nightlife at 10 pm.” No doubt congressional staffers will respond to that!

Saving the Suburbs?

Sunset magazine editor and New York Times blogger Allison Arieff asks, “what are we going to do with all the homes and communities we are left with” when everyone moves out of the suburbs and back to the cities? (Click here for part 2.)

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California Thieves Steal Money Transit Stole from Highways

As in most states, California originally created gasoline taxes to pay for highways. But the ever-hungry transit lobby effectively stole some of that money by convincing the state legislature to divert some gas taxes and most Diesel taxes to transit.

Of course, no amount of money is ever enough for the passenger rail lobby, so they conceived the idea of the state selling nearly $10 billion of bonds — with no particular source of revenue to repay those bonds — to fund high-speed rail and rail transit improvements in cities on the high-speed rail route. Of course, this was sold to voters as being essentially cost-free — because measures that require a tax increase must get approval from two thirds of voters instead of just half.

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The All-Weather Transport

London had a big snowstorm. Good thing they have the world’s best rail transit system so people can still get around.

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Flickr photo by aburt.

Push-Polling for Rail Transit

RTD, Denver’s rail transit lobby group, claims that a poll shows that most voters support a sales tax hike to pay for its boondoggle FasTracks rail plan. Voters previously agreed to a 0.4 percent sales tax increase in 2004, but now RTD says they will have to double it to get the rails built on time.

The actual survey results reveal that this was a “push poll,” meaning the interviewer asked leading questions to get people to support the project.

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More Portland Follies

After a mere 14 years of planning, Portland’s “westside express” commuter-rail line is about to start operating. As the Antiplanner previously noted, however, this 14.7-mile line really doesn’t go anywhere that anyone wants to go, so TriMet predicts a whopping 2,600 riders a day (i.e., 1,300 round trips). It may end up being more, but the numbers will be insignificant either way.

Flickr photo by Hardlinejoe.

TriMet plans to run 32 round trips a day, which means each trip will carry an average of 40 passengers. For that, they have railcars with 80 seats, and they are ready to run them in pairs. Too bad TriMet couldn’t have found a bus or two capable of carrying 40 passengers.

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Portland Scores Another First

The big news this week in Portland, the City That Doesn’t Work, is that Portland’s new mayor, Sam Adams (the first openly gay mayor of a big American city), really did have an affair with an intern when he was on the city council. He now claims that the intern came onto him and he was noble enough to at least wait until the intern turned 18. Nothing wrong with that, is there?

For those of you just tuning in, allegations of this affair were raised by one of Adams’ opponents in the mayoral campaign. Adams lied about the affair, smeared the other candidate (who is also gay), and forced him to drop out.

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On This Historic Occasion

Yesterday was memorable for many reasons. Obviously, having the nation’s first non-white president gives hope and inspiration to many people for whom the American dream had previously only been a slogan.

Never before in American history — maybe all of history — have almost two million people — come together to listen to a speech. (I love the headline: “Inauguration Crowd Estimated At Up To 2 Million; No Arrests Reported Yet.”)

Never before has Washington Metrorail carried more than a million passenger trips in one day. If it carried that many everyday, it still would not have been worth the cost. Of course, they had to close the escalators at some of the popular stations because their trains can’t move people out as fast as the escalators can move them in. Trains that can move more people than an eight-lane freeway are somehow swamped by an escalator?

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