Google Searches Per Mile

A new study concludes that Google’s servers emit 7 grams of CO2 for every search. Since burning a gallon of gasoline releases about 8,880 grams of CO2 into the atmosphere, you can calculate your car’s Google-equivalent by dividing your car’s miles per gallon into 1,269 (8,880 divided by 7).

My 1986 Mazda still gets about 33 miles per gallon and I do about 40 Google searches per day, which is the equivalent of driving my car a little over 1 mile. Of course, I probably visit at least 20 web sites for every Google search I do. If each of those web servers generate as much CO2 as Google, that means my Internet usage is equal to driving 20 miles a day.
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Should we tax the Internet to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?