Happy New Year

Today is the Antiplanner’s second anniversary, and to express my appreciation to everyone who reads and comments, I am offering another gift. A few weeks ago, the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight posted the third quarter home price indices for states and metropolitan areas.

These data are, in my opinion, much better than the more-frequently cited Case-Schiller index, which covers a much more limited set of cities and states. The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight uses the Case-Schiller method of comparing same-home resales, but applies it to every state and metro area in the country.

I’ve enhanced these files by adding a few basic calculations and charts. The original data are still in columns A through E of the spreadsheets. In column F (in every 134th and 135th row), I’ve calculated the percentage by which housing prices increased after the first quarter of 2000 to their peak and the percentage by which prices declined after their peak.

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