Thanks for My Present

Today happens to be the Antiplanner’s birthday, and I’ve always appreciated Congress for changing the first day of the fiscal year to my birthday back in 1977. This year, Congress appears poised to give me an extra-special present: a smaller government, even if only temporarily.

If the federal government shuts down, transportation and land-use will be among the major bones of contention in the debate. In August, Republicans worked hard to successfully prevent the Senate from passing the Democrat’s $54 billion transportation and housing budget (S. 1243). This bill would have spent at least $10 billion more than Republicans think is responsible, partly by funding a number of smart-growth programs.

One of those programs is called the “Choice Neighborhoods Initiative,” which provides $250 million for turning low-income neighborhoods into “sustainable mixed income neighborhoods with appropriate services, schools, public assets, transportation and access to jobs”–in other words, a smart-growth urban renewal program. The Democrat’s bill also provides more money for Amtrak, rail transit, and other questionable programs.

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