Learning the Wrong Lessons

Matthew Yglesias observes that, because of the government shutdown, farmers don’t know how much pigs are worth. The USDA normally keeps track of and publishes pork prices. Yglesias concludes that the government shutdown is threatening our farm economy.

The correctly conclusion, however, is that we should let the unreliable government do things that can be done by private parties. If USDA weren’t publishing pork prices, someone else would, and they would not have to rely on a continued flow of tax dollars to keep them going.
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Despite the government shutdown, the Antiplanner managed to safely get to Bakersfield, California yesterday to give a presentation on why high-speed rail won’t relieve congestion and what we should do instead. Interested people can download a 14.6-MB PDF of this presentation with notes summarizing my narration. Although the original presentation included videos of driverless cars, I didn’t include them in the PDF, but you can download them in this 10-MB zip file.