
In commemoration of the first anniversary of the Antiplanner’s policy briefs, this week’s brief on the MCU School of Transportation Planning was a little more light-hearted than usual. Having skipped the weeks after the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, I managed to publish 49 briefs in the year. I also published 50 chapters of The Education of an Iconoclast.

Over the next year I plan to continue writing weekly policy briefs, but the Iconoclast is finished for now. At least some of the policy briefs this year will be updates of last year’s briefs as various agencies publish new data. I’ll supplement the briefs with additional posts when I have something to say, but won’t try to do one every day of the week.
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I hope you have found the policy briefs educational. I am happy with the PDF format as I can easily pass them along to reporters, politicians, and activists who make inquiries about various issues and I hope you find them useful enough to do the same. Let me know if you have any feedback on the format as well as the content.