Amtrak’s Money-Losing Vision

Amtrak responded to Biden’s “American Jobs Plan,” which would give Amtrak $80 billion (presumably over several years), with a “vision to grow rail service and connect new city pairs across America.” As shown in the map below, some of those city pairs might seem to make sense, such as Dallas-Houston and Los Angeles-Las Vegas.

Click image for a larger view.

But a lot of the terminal cities being added to the map are so small — places like Rockland, Maine (7,500 people), Christiansburg, Virginia (25,000), and Cheyenne, Wyoming (76,000) — that even Amtrak lovers are skeptical. Matthew Yglesias, for example, says “Amtrak’s big idea of what to do with extra funding is to create new low-performing extensions to places with very low demand.” Continue reading

The Biden Pork-Barrel Plan

President Biden’s proposed infrastructure plan includes $621 billion for transportation. It would spend $115 billion on accelerated road and bridge repairs, $20 billion for “vision zero” and other anti-auto programs, $85 billion for mass transit, and $80 billion for Amtrak’s backlog and expansion of Amtrak service. It also would spend $174 billion supporting electric vehicle manufacturers, $25 billion on airports, and $17 billion on inland waterways. That’s $104 billion short of $621 billion, but the White House press release doesn’t say where that $104 billion will go.

Non-transportation items in the plan include $111 billion on safe drinking water, $100 billion for high-speed internet service, $100 billion on the electrical transmission system, $10 billion on a Civilian Climate Corps, $213 billion on housing, including retrofitting homes to save energy, $100 billion on new schools, $18 billion on new veteran’s hospitals, $10 billion modernizing federal buildings in Washington DC, $400 billion on care for the elderly and disabled, $180 billion on research, $300 billion on manufacturing and small businesses, and $100 billion on workforce development. News reports call this a $2 trillion plan but by my count it adds up to at least $2.26 trillion.

Instead of calling this an infrastructure plan, the White House calls it “the American Jobs Plan.” This is ironic because the only reason why most unemployed people don’t have jobs today is the lockdowns enforced by mostly Democratic governors. End the lockdowns and there won’t be many unemployed people to take the jobs created by the Biden plan. Continue reading