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Recent Posts
- Maine Needs Less Transit, Not More
- Tyranny, Thy Name is YIMBY
- Does Longmont Really Need a Train?
- Fix the Subways in Hours?
- Governor Targets More Apartment Construction, So of Course Fewer Are Built
- Another New Urbanist Failure
- American Mobility in 2024
- January Driving Up 1.2% from 2019
- January Transit Ridership Reaches 79.8% of 2019
- Privatizing Amtrak and Cutting Transit
- Book reviews (59)
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- Urban areas (368)
- Useful Data (257)
- Why Planning Fails (33)
- Wildfire (64)
airlines Amtrak Austin automobiles bicycles bus-rapid transit bus transit California commuter rail congestion Denver driverless cars energy heavy rail high-speed rail highways Honolulu housing housing affordability infrastructure intercity bus intercity passenger trains intercity rail light-rail transit light rail Los Angeles low-capacity rail New York New York City Portland rail transit reauthorization San Antonio San Francisco San Francisco Bay Area Seattle self-driving cars streetcar streetcars tax-increment financing transit transit-oriented development Twin Cities Washington Washington DCFaithful Allies
- California Chaparral Institute Advocates for more rational wildfire policies in southern California
- Debunking Portland Portland has become a PR machine for the Light Rail & Streetcar industry. We are telling the other side
- Demographia Wendell Cox’s compilation and review of population data
- Public Purpose Wendell Cox’s compilation and review of transport data
- Reason Foundation Supporter of improved urban transportation
- Save Portland Documents subsidies to Portland transit-oriented developments
Loyal Opponents
- American Planning Association Voice of the urban planning profession
- American Public Transportation Association Lobby group for the transit industry
- Market Urbanism Smart-growth advocates in a free-market guise
- Victoria Transport Policy Institute Promotes rail transit & smart growth
Popular Blogs
- Prepare for Wildfire How to make your home firewise
- Streamliner Memories The Antiplanner’s blog about the history of American passenger trains
Useful Data
- Highway Statistics US DOT’s annual compilation of highway data
- House Price Index Department of Commerce’s quarterly compilation of changes in housing prices
- National Transit Database US DOT’s annual compilation of transit data
- National Transportation Statistics US DOT’s annual compilation of transportation data
The Antiplanner’s Other Blog: Streamliner Memories
Antiplanning Books
Recent Posts
- Maine Needs Less Transit, Not More
- Tyranny, Thy Name is YIMBY
- Does Longmont Really Need a Train?
- Fix the Subways in Hours?
- Governor Targets More Apartment Construction, So of Course Fewer Are Built
- Another New Urbanist Failure
- American Mobility in 2024
- January Driving Up 1.2% from 2019
- January Transit Ridership Reaches 79.8% of 2019
- Privatizing Amtrak and Cutting Transit
- Book reviews (59)
- City planning (126)
- Entrepreneurs (17)
- Fish & wildlife (10)
- Follow up (119)
- Housekeeping (204)
- Housing (289)
- Iconoclast (50)
- Meltdown (28)
- Mission (80)
- News commentary (953)
- Planning Disasters (95)
- Policy brief (147)
- Public lands (70)
- Regional planning (314)
- Transportation (2,514)
- Travels (35)
- Urban areas (368)
- Useful Data (257)
- Why Planning Fails (33)
- Wildfire (64)
airlines Amtrak Austin automobiles bicycles bus-rapid transit bus transit California commuter rail congestion Denver driverless cars energy heavy rail high-speed rail highways Honolulu housing housing affordability infrastructure intercity bus intercity passenger trains intercity rail light-rail transit light rail Los Angeles low-capacity rail New York New York City Portland rail transit reauthorization San Antonio San Francisco San Francisco Bay Area Seattle self-driving cars streetcar streetcars tax-increment financing transit transit-oriented development Twin Cities Washington Washington DCFaithful Allies
- California Chaparral Institute Advocates for more rational wildfire policies in southern California
- Debunking Portland Portland has become a PR machine for the Light Rail & Streetcar industry. We are telling the other side
- Demographia Wendell Cox’s compilation and review of population data
- Public Purpose Wendell Cox’s compilation and review of transport data
- Reason Foundation Supporter of improved urban transportation
- Save Portland Documents subsidies to Portland transit-oriented developments
Loyal Opponents
- American Planning Association Voice of the urban planning profession
- American Public Transportation Association Lobby group for the transit industry
- Market Urbanism Smart-growth advocates in a free-market guise
- Victoria Transport Policy Institute Promotes rail transit & smart growth
Popular Blogs
- Prepare for Wildfire How to make your home firewise
- Streamliner Memories The Antiplanner’s blog about the history of American passenger trains
Useful Data
- Highway Statistics US DOT’s annual compilation of highway data
- House Price Index Department of Commerce’s quarterly compilation of changes in housing prices
- National Transit Database US DOT’s annual compilation of transit data
- National Transportation Statistics US DOT’s annual compilation of transportation data
The Antiplanner’s Other Blog: Streamliner Memories
Recent Posts
- Maine Needs Less Transit, Not More
- Tyranny, Thy Name is YIMBY
- Does Longmont Really Need a Train?
- Fix the Subways in Hours?
- Governor Targets More Apartment Construction, So of Course Fewer Are Built
- Another New Urbanist Failure
- American Mobility in 2024
- January Driving Up 1.2% from 2019
- January Transit Ridership Reaches 79.8% of 2019
- Privatizing Amtrak and Cutting Transit
- Book reviews (59)
- City planning (126)
- Entrepreneurs (17)
- Fish & wildlife (10)
- Follow up (119)
- Housekeeping (204)
- Housing (289)
- Iconoclast (50)
- Meltdown (28)
- Mission (80)
- News commentary (953)
- Planning Disasters (95)
- Policy brief (147)
- Public lands (70)
- Regional planning (314)
- Transportation (2,514)
- Travels (35)
- Urban areas (368)
- Useful Data (257)
- Why Planning Fails (33)
- Wildfire (64)
Tag Cloud
airlines Amtrak Austin automobiles bicycles bus-rapid transit bus transit California commuter rail congestion Denver driverless cars energy heavy rail high-speed rail highways Honolulu housing housing affordability infrastructure intercity bus intercity passenger trains intercity rail light-rail transit light rail Los Angeles low-capacity rail New York New York City Portland rail transit reauthorization San Antonio San Francisco San Francisco Bay Area Seattle self-driving cars streetcar streetcars tax-increment financing transit transit-oriented development Twin Cities Washington Washington DCFaithful Allies
Loyal Opponents
Popular Blogs
Useful Data
The Antiplanner’s Other Blog: Streamliner Memories
Antiplanning Books