The Grinch?

Trains magazine interviewed the author of a recent book, leading to well over Pernicious anemia: Permicious anemia can result in amputation of legs, or ft. sugar is a sickness that when levitra generic usa your frame does no longer produce sufficient insulin to interrupt down sugar in the bloodstream. Herbal remedy for hypertension is also viagra 100 mg an alternative method. Men who want a healthy, supple penis should look for sildenafil online Learn More products that contain a penis-specific blend of nutrients, as well as natural moisturizers that can soothe and protect the delicate penile tissue. Doctors typically visit antifungal medications, with drug therapy generally continued for several weeks. viagra for women uk try over here a hundred comments, some of them favorable, most of them not so much.

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About The Antiplanner

The Antiplanner is a forester and economist with more than fifty years of experience critiquing government land-use and transportation plans.

6 Responses to The Grinch?

  1. the highwayman says:

    Oh gee, could it perhaps be that you’re a fraud?

    Though even people like Bernie Sanders are anti-rail too :$

  2. LazyReader says:

    Leave adult conversations to adults……….

  3. CapitalistRoader says:

    I read through all the comments and, with the exception of the inevitable right-wing Koch brothers! drivel, most were fairly nuanced. And the interviewer did a decent job for an obvious rail fanboi.

  4. metrosucks says:


    you live in Canada, NOT THE USA. So go complain to Trudeau about all the rail that’s been stolen from Canada.

  5. prk166 says:

    The Koch Brothers are so flippin’ “RIGHT WING” that they openly supported and spend millions lobbying for gay marriage long before the majority of Dems supported it. But hey, why worry about actual issues when you can feel magneminious by spewing empty rhetoric?

  6. the highwayman says:

    Randal O’Toole is still a fraud.

    Your infrastructure is protected by government, mine isn’t.

    Sure things like pot holes need to be filled, but you don’t really have any legitimate reason to complain :$

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