April 2024 Driving 6.3% Less Than April 2019

Americans drove 6.3 percent fewer miles in April of 2024 than the same month of 2019, according to data released yesterday by the Federal Highway Administration. This is the first time in nine months that miles of driving have fallen below 99 percent of the same months in 2019.

April driving was also 4.2 percent less than in March 2024. In “normal” years, such as 2018 and 2019, Americans have driven more miles in April than March despite the former having one fewer day, probably because of better weather in April.

An examination of driving by state shows that the biggest declines were on the Atlantic Coast. North Atlantic states (Pennsylvania to Maine) saw a 5.4 percent drop from March to April while south Atlantic states (Delaware to Florida) saw a 8.9 percent drop. Gulf Coast states also saw a 5.9 percent drop while miles of driving declined by less than 1 percent in midwestern and western states.

East coast states suffered a number of storms in April that may account for much of the decline in driving. The Northeast saw a major snowstorm in early April. A week later major floods struck the Gulf Coast. The Carlinas saw a huge wind and hailstorm in mid-April.

Driving numbers are considered preliminary and may be revised next month.

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About The Antiplanner

The Antiplanner is a forester and economist with more than fifty years of experience critiquing government land-use and transportation plans.

One Response to April 2024 Driving 6.3% Less Than April 2019

  1. Cyrus992 says:

    WordPress_ anonymous,

    I responded to your comment on housing.

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