City of Portland, Light Rail Implicated in Bank Robbery

Someone robbed a bank tried to get away in a car allegedly stolen from the city of Portland and continued his attempted getaway on a Portland light-rail train. It is too bad that the city is contributing to robberies such as this.

As it happens, the bank that was robbed is just four blocks from where the Antiplanner grew up, and the Antiplanner currently banks with a different branch of that bank. So I choose to feel personally threatened by the city of Portland’s involvement in this crime.

According to news reports, the robber drove away from the bank in a jeep belonging to the Portland water bureau. The jeep was found a few minutes later near a light-rail station that happens to be about seven blocks from where the Antiplanner once lived for about fifteen years.
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Police shut down light-rail service for more than thirty minutes while they searched trains, where they say they apprehended the robber.

Now, I am no expert on the law, but I watch Law and Order as much as anyone. So I know that letting someone use your car to rob a bank is a crime. Attempting to hide a robber in your light-rail train is also a crime. So I urge the Portland police to question Portland City Commissioner Randy Leonard (who is in charge of the Water Bureau) and TriMet General Manager Fred Hansen about their roles in this affair.

Why are they providing getaway vehicles for criminals? Any why are Portland and TriMet building more light-rail and streetcar lines that will allow criminals to get away from crimes in even more neighborhoods? The police have a special incentive to put a stop to these programs, since the police department’s own budget has been cut in order to maintain funding (via tax-increment financing) for rail projects.

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About The Antiplanner

The Antiplanner is a forester and economist with more than fifty years of experience critiquing government land-use and transportation plans.

4 Responses to City of Portland, Light Rail Implicated in Bank Robbery

  1. Dan says:

    You have got to be kidding me. This is the best you can do?



  2. JimKarlock says:

    On October 12th, 2007, Dan said:
    You have got to be kidding me. This is the best you can do?
    JK: OK, try this:
    The East Precinct’s Sgt. Kim Preston attended but hardly buoyed spirits. After listening to testimonials of theft, vandalism, beatings and intimidation, Preston said there’s little likelihood police will increase patrols in the area any time soon.

    Even with more money, he said, pending retirements will outpace efforts to hire and train officers. What’s more, he said, the light-rail extension to Clackamas along nearby Interstate 205 will probably bring more crime and spread police even thinner.

    “The MAX has been a living nightmare for us,” Preston said. “I would not ride it at night — and I’m armed all the time. There are massive fights, guns displayed, stabbings, people being threatened and bullied.” Oregonian, Sept. 20, 2007

    And this:
    Less than four hours before the beating, a 30-year-old man was shot twice near 160th and East Burnside. He survived and the alleged shooter was immediately arrested. Portland police said the two men were fighting over a girl.

    Gresham police believe the fact that there is a Max stop at 162nd and East Burnside where a lot of people get on and off of trains and congregate may be one reason for the violent crime in the area. Portland Tribune Sep 12, 2007


  3. Royko says:

    Don’t the gang-bangers ride BART from the East Bay into San Fransicko to sell drugs, and engage in assorted feloneous activities, then ride BART back to the “crib” after a hard day of crime.

  4. Trumbull says:

    “Why are they providing getaway vehicles for criminals?”

    Well, I’m guessing they didn’t give him the Jeep. And the train only traveled a certain route and could be easily stopped by the police, which is more than can be said for a car.

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