Back in the Air Again

On Friday and Saturday the Antiplanner will be in Las Vegas at FreedomFest, a libertarian-type conference. I am on the generic viagra online A good physiotherapist will develop an individual plan for an injured athlete, focusing on meeting goals for physical performance in a safe, controlled manner. Moreover, alcoholism or excessive consumption of alcohol may also affect your viagra overnight heart and brain. Go through the article to know more about kamagra, its benefits, dosages and how to take it seriously from a health point of pharmacy cialis you. Many call it the ‘weekender pill, as it does wonders for both the partners without any tension or stress. tadalafil overnight delivery href=””>agenda to speak Friday at 10:30 am and Saturday at 9:00 am. If you are there, I look forward to seeing you.

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About The Antiplanner

The Antiplanner is a forester and economist with more than fifty years of experience critiquing government land-use and transportation plans.

7 Responses to Back in the Air Again

  1. TexanOkie says:

    Sounds like a good conference. Lot of big names. Steve Forbes. Bob Barr. Dinesh D’Souza. Ron Paul.

  2. D4P says:

    The fee for attending FreedomFest is only $495 per person

    I guess FreedomFest is only an option for wealthy elites.

  3. bennett says:

    Freedom isn’t free! 😉

  4. foxmarks says:

    The fee is only $5 if you promise not to mention highway subsidies.

    D4P, you are an ass.

  5. craig says:

    Rail~Volution 2008

    Registration Fees
    Standard Registration – $425

  6. JimKarlock says:

    craig said: Rail~Volution 2008 – Standard Registration – $425
    JK: Nothing like charging to watch an infommericial for crappy, overpriced toy trains.


  7. the highwayman says:

    Thanks JK, now go back to playing with your slotcars.

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