Search Results for: rail

More on Light-Rail Transit Crime

A brawl involving 100 to 150 people shut down Portland’s eastside light-rail line last Friday night. This naturally raises the question, “What is the relationship between light rail and crime?” Portlanders are beginning to wonder as one part of the city, informally known as Felony Flats, is suffering a crime wave.

Felony Flats is in southeast Portland near the 162nd Avenue Station on the Gresham-to-Portland light-rail line. It is reputed to have the city’s “highest density of drug labs and ex-convict residents.”

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On the Desirability of Rail Transit

Rail transit is a waste of money, and what little benefit it provides in the form of congestion relief is far exceeded by its cost. That is the Antiplanner’s general opinion, and it is shared by economists Clifford Winston, of the Brookings Institution, and Vikram Maheshri, of UC Berkeley.

The two have written a paper, On the Social Desirability of Urban Rail Transit Systems, that has been circulating around the Internet for awhile (and was previously mentioned by the Antiplanner). Now it is being published in the Journal of Urban Economics.

At $170 million, the cost of building each mile of Seattle’s new light-rail line is enough to construct four miles of a four-lane freeway. If Seattle is lucky, its light rail will carry 30 percent of a single freeway lane; the national average is just 25 percent.
Flickr photo by brewbooks.

Winston and Maheshri examine 25 light- and heavy-rail systems in the U.S. and find that, with the exception of the San Francisco BART system, “every system actually reduces welfare and is unable to become socially desirable even with optimal pricing or physical restructuring of its network” (emphasis in original).

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Money for Rails, But Not for Roads

New Mexico has committed clost to half a billion dollars to a commuter-rail line that will carry an insignificant number of people between Albuquerque and Santa Fe. For that, New Mexico’s governor, Bill Richardson, has been rewarded with fat campaign contributions for both his previous re-election effort and his current presidential campaign.

Worth a campaign contribution.
Flickr photo by Michael Brown.

By an amazing coincidence, the state is short about half a billion dollars for necessary highway projects. State officials fear that cash shortages could “trigger cutbacks in highway maintenance and new road construction.”

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Another Light-Rail Transit Agency Self Destructs

The head of St. Louis’s transit agency, Larry Salci, says he doesn’t care what transit riders or taxpayers think about him. All he cares is what his board of directors thinks. Oh, yes, and he cares about what his headhunter thinks in case he has to get a new job.

Although using light-rail vehicles, St. Louis’s rail cars run on an exclusive right of way, and so they are at least safer, if not any more cost-effective, than most other light-rail systems.
Flickr photo by lordsutch.

Of course, considering that he has been earning $225,000 a year, plus at least $25,000 a year in bonuses, plus a $4,800 a year “vehicle allowance” so he never actually has to set foot on a transit vehicle except for a photo op (and only reluctantly then), he probably has enough to retire now. (Something to think about this Labor Day: Why are transit agency heads often paid more than mayors and even governors?)

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To Light Rail or Not Light Rail, That Is the Question

Congress appropriated money to replace the I-35W bridge that collapsed in Minnesota, but not to increase capacity or add light rail to the bridge. The Minnesota Department of Transportation estimates that each day the replacement is delayed costs Minnesota travelers more than $400,000.

Yet Minneapolis Mayor Rybak is willing to delay the reconstruction by a few months, or a few years, so they can put a light-rail line on the new bridge.

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Rail, Energy, & CO2: Part 5 — Policy Alternatives

The numbers in the rail summary spreadsheet show that rail transit often, but not always, uses less energy per passenger mile than buses. But this is deceptive because most rail lines are built in heavily traveled corridors, while many bus lines serve suburban routes and run nearly empty much of the day. The master spreadsheet shows fourteen different bus operations use less energy per passenger mile than the most energy-efficient rail operation. Thus, it is likely that many new rail lines use more energy per passenger mile than the buses they replaced.

The numbers in this week’s analyses also show that less than half of all U.S. rail transit lines use less energy per passenger mile than the average passenger car, and only three rail lines in the entire country use less than a Prius or other high-mileage auto. Thus, building rail transit provides no assurance of saving any energy.

My previous reports, Great Rail Disasters and Rail Disasters 2005 showed that San Diego and Boston are the only cities that have built new rail lines in the last 30 years that have seen an increase in transit’s share of total travel or commuter travel since 1980. If all rail transit does is divert riders of energy-efficient bus routes to less energy-efficient rail routes, then it is a complete waste of energy.

Meanwhile the energy cost of building rail transit can be huge, especially if tunneling is required. Even if rail operations save energy, it can take decades for that savings to make up for the energy cost of construction. Since rail lines have to be largely rebuilt every 30 years or so, any energy savings that does not repay the construction cost within 30 years is likely to be a net loss.

A few new rail lines, such as the San Diego light rail, do seem to save a small amount of energy, though it is likely it will take years if not decades for that savings to cover the cost of construction. The high dollar cost of rail transit, combined with the high risk that there will be no real savings, eliminates any notion that rail can be a cost-effective way of reducing energy consumption or greenhouse gas emissions.

If saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions are worthy public goals, then there are many transportation policies that can achieve these goals with greater assurance and at a far lower public cost. Here are three ideas.

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Rail, Energy, & CO2: Part 4 — Construction

Let’s say you want to build a rail line and you are convinced, despite all the evidence in my previous posts, that operating it will use less energy per passenger mile than buses or cars. Before you start construction, first ask: How much energy will it take to build the rail line?

Sound Transit, which is building one of the most expensive light-rail lines in the country and is asking voters for money to build another 50 miles that will cost even more, estimates that one of these lines will save 14,000 tons of CO2 emissions per year. But, based on the environmental impact statement for the line, a group called the Coalition for Effective Transit estimates that constructing the line will use enough energy to emit 640,000 tons of CO2. That’s about 45 years’ worth of savings.

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Rail, Energy, & CO2: Part 3 — Before and After

Yesterday, we found that light-rail systems in Houston, Minneapolis, Portland, Salt Lake City, San Diego, and St. Louis seemed to be energy efficient compared with automobiles. But are they really?

When transit agencies open light-rail lines, they don’t usually make significant reductions in bus service. Instead, they convert corridor bus lines to feeder buses for the light rail. Since many people end up driving to light-rail stations, these feeder buses end up carrying far fewer riders than the corridor buses that the light-rail replaced.

Thus, rail transit’s energy and CO2 cost per passenger mile savings are potentially offset by increased energy and CO2 costs per bus passenger mile. I first noticed this for Salt Lake City. The Utah Transit Authority brags about the great success of its light rail, and it did lead to a modest increase in total transit ridership (although ridership was growing even before it opened the line).

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Rail, Energy, & CO2: Part 2 — Results for 2005

Does rail transit save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Based on the results for 2005, the answer seems to be mostly “no.” These results are found in two downloadable spreadsheets: the National Transit Database summary (1.4 MB) and a summary spreadsheet for rail cities. You can also download a spreadsheet with the calculations of BTUs and CO2. A brief explanation of the spreadsheets and a guide to abbreviations can be found at the end of this post.

Here is a summary of the results:

.   Mode            BTU/PM    CO2/PM
.   Guideway        10,573     2.05
.   Commuter Rail    2,766     0.50
.   Light rail       3,458     0.67
.   Heavy rail       2,692     0.52
.   Motor Bus        3,733     0.66
.   Trolley bus      4,004     0.77
.   All transit      3,276     0.60
.   Automobile*      3,445     0.54

* As noted in part 1, “automobile” is the average for passenger cars, not including light trucks (pickups and SUVs).

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Does Rail Transit Save Energy or Reduce CO2 Emissions?

One reason often put forward to build rail transit is that it will save energy. Lately, rail advocates have added the claim that it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Many people accept these statements without question. A recent NPR story argued that “part of the solution (to global warming) is light rail.” The Antiplanner previously noted a magazine that declared Portland the second-greenest city in the world partly on the strength of the reduced greenhouse gases emitted by its light-rail lines.

This week, the Antiplanner is going to look at these claims in detail. Today we will set up the problem. Tomorrow, we will look at actual energy consumption and CO2 emissions by various transit systems in 2005, the most recent year for which data are available. Later we will look at the construction costs of rail transit and examine energy consumption and CO2 emissions before and after light-rail lines are put into operation. Finally, we will compare rail transit with alternative policies that might be able to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions at a far lower cost.

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