America’s Racist Urban Areas

John Oliver recently had an article saying that Boston was one of the most racist cities in America. But, if that’s true, why are so many blacks moving there? According to the American Community Survey, the city of Boston’s black population grew by 26 percent in the last 11 years, and black numbers are growing faster than the city’s overall population.

In 2015, the Antiplanner argued that the amount of racism in an area can be inferred by whether minorities are moving into or away from that area. This means regions can be racist if they adopt policies that have the effect of driving minorities away even if that wasn’t the main intention of those policies. At that time, the Antiplanner found that San Francisco-Oakland was the nation’s most-racist urban area as its overall population grew by nearly 10 percent between 2000 and 2010, but its black population shrank by 14 percent, a bigger gap than any other urban area. Continue reading