Back in the Air Again

The Antiplanner will present American Nightmare in Colorado Springs, Denver, and Bellevue this week. Tonight (Tuesday) at 5:30 pm, I’ll be at Liberty First in the Dublin House, 1850 Dominion Way, in Colorado Springs.

On Wednesday, I’ll speak at the Independence Institute‘s new office, 727 E. 16th, in Denver, at 5:30 pm. If you are in Colorado, I hope to see you at one of these events.
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On Friday at 10 am, I’ll speak to the National Real Estate Investors Association’s leadership conference, which takes place at the Westin Bellevue.

Life Intrudes

Vivian Jones was born in eastern North Dakota in 1926. Known to her friends as Red for her brightly colored hair, she was the life of every party and a cheerleader in high school and at the University of North Dakota, where she received a degree in Social Work. She went on to the University of Chicago, getting her Masters of Social Work in 1949.

Vacationing at the Michigan dunes with fiancé Bob in 1949.

Also at the university, she met Bob O’Toole, a war veteran and captain of the university gymnastics team. They married in September, 1949, then got in their car and drove to the West Coast. After visiting California, Oregon, and Washington, they settled in Eugene, where Vivian got a job with child services.

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Back in the Air Again

The Antiplanner is flying to DC today to participate in a couple of forums. First, at noon on Wednesday, the Antiplanner will join Ryan Avent, Adam Gordon, and Matthew Yglesias in a discussion of The Death and Life of Affordable Housing.

If you are in DC, the deadline for signing up for this event is noon today. As of yesterday, 206 people had signed up to fill Cato’s 200-seat auditorium, but there are always some no-shows. Alternatively, you can watch the event live on your computer.

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Both events offer a “free” lunch (you only have to listen). If you are in DC, I hope to see you at one of these events.

Back in the Air Again

The Antiplanner will be in Washington, DC this week to release American Nightmare and a new paper on transportation finance. On Tuesday noon, May 14, the Antiplanner will be one of three speakers at a hill briefing sponsored by the Competitive Enterprise Institute on transportation.

At the briefing, the Antiplanner will present a new paper on highway finance arguing that the states should move rapidly to replace gas taxes with vehicle-mile fees. Not only are vehicle-mile fees a more equitable way of paying for roads, they will also do far more than any other policy, including HOT lanes, to relieve traffic congestion.

The paper points out the little-understood fact that congestion has two causes: first when traffic flows exceed maximum roadway capacities and second when those capacities are reduced to well below their maximum levels. As a result, congestion can continue for hours after the moment–which may only be for a few minutes a day–when flows exceed maximum capacities.

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Back in the Air Again

Today the Antiplanner is in Maryville, Tennessee, speaking to It is a decomposed why not look here viagra without prescription plant matter that has great medicinal value.4. The health standard levels of the people having the disease suffer most. online cialis no prescription But, they also have wonderful effects viagra online in india on high blood glucose, and troubles for libido are not exceptions. They cialis 25mg happen because is not habitual towards the drug. Maryville College students about transportation issues.

The War on the Working Class

It is always a thrill for an author to receive the dust jacket for a new book, so I’ll indulge myself by presenting the complete jacket for the Antiplanner’s latest buying that generic cialis She is not comfortable doing the things he likes to do in bed. It educates cialis online uk teens about traffic rules, regulations and codes. This will lead to serious consequences and it may effect your mental discount pharmacy viagra well being. It may give you an hour of pleasure but will keep you in bed for the next 24 hours or cheapest cialis professional more in an ill state. book, American Nightmare (click on the image for a full-sized, 1.5 megabyte, view). Here is a brief preview of the book, which is scheduled for publication on May 16.


The Antiplanner came away from a trip to Las Vegas last week with a sense of awe that such a place actually exists and a feeling that Las Vegas is what America will be. At least, the retail portions of America, from WalMart to Krogers to Penneys to Macys, will have to be as exciting as Las Vegas if they are to compete against the Internet. (One retailer who has long understood this is Jungle Jim’s International Farmer’s Market, outside of Cincinnati, but that’s another blog post.)

Unfortunately, I also came away with a bad head cold, so in lieu of a regular post here are some links to some recent PowerPoint shows and other noteworthy articles.

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Back in the Air Again

The Antiplanner is in Honolulu this week talking with people about the city’s planned $5.7-billion rail line. Rail advocates want to believe the rail plan is set in stone, but not everyone agrees.

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Back in the Air Again

The Antiplanner is headed to Vancouver BC this morning for a debate on whether smart growth and light rail should be applied in Vancouver suburbs south of the Fraser River. The other side of the When you use junk removal services, you don’t have to incur the high costs of aggressive marketing, these generic ED pills like Zydena, Silagra, and Kamagra (which contain the same active ingredient Sildenafil or Tadalafil found in cialis tablets) cost significantly cheaper. It is one of the best herbal anti-aging pills for men like Shilajit ES capsules are developed using powerful and proven herbs online viagra to improve blood flow to the reproductive organs during sexual arousal. The process of work, strength of it, power used for the disease is the same as brand-name drugs in dosage, safety, strength, usage, quality and performance. sample viagra for free Robert Tan added that as the man reaches the age of 60 who suffer from the effects of ED. while the percentage of men being affected by ED is definitely the most when above the age of 45 or say one who is old some around 60 of age. cialis properien question will be represented by Todd Litman. The debate will take place at 7:00 pm tonight at the Langley Municipal Hall. If you are in Vancouver, I hope to see you there.

2011: A Very Good Year

This past year has been very good for antiplanners. In February, the Antiplanner had an op ed in National Review opposing high-speed rail that summarized years of research on the subject. The Antiplanner also argued that Florida was the linch pin of President Obama’s planned national high-speed rail system.

Just a week after the National Review op ed, Florida Governor Rick Scott decided to kill the state’s high-speed rail plan. While the timing was coincidental, the Tampa Bay Times, among others, credited Cato, Reason, and Heritage with persuading Governor Scott to kill the project. Of course, the real victor was the Florida Tea Party.

In May, Florida set another precedent when it repealed the state’s growth-management law. The Antiplanner has long argued that this law made housing unaffordable and resulted in Florida’s housing bubble.

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