Urban Sociopaths

Sociopaths are people who “have no regard for others’ rights or feelings, lack empathy and remorse for wrongdoings, and have the need to exploit and manipulate others.” That definition perfectly fits New Urban planners and the environmentalists who support them.

I could be referring to planners eager to inflict congestion on commuters in order to persuade a few of them to take transit. But today I’m referring to planners eager to drive up housing prices in order to force more people to live in multifamily housing.

Surveys have consistently shown that the vast majority of Americans of every generation prefer a single-family home with a yard over living in a condo or apartment. These preferences have only been strengthened by the pandemic.

Yet planners and planning advocates openly seek to thwart those preferences and increase the share of Americans living in multifamily housing. The chief tool they use is to limit the supply of land for single-family homes, thus driving up housing costs. But that isn’t enough: they also want to construct more multifamily housing in the existing urban footprint, which in many cases means tearing down single-family homes and replacing them with apartments or condos.

New Urbanist David Larson, writing in the Federalist, argues that “more Americans could live in beautiful neighborhoods if the Right stopped propping up suburbia.” What he means is that the suburbs should be forced to discard single-family zoning so that high-density housing projects can be built in their midst. One of the reasons we should do this, he says, is that “suburbia is undeniably ugly.” Wait a minute — I thought the suburbs were beautiful? He can’t seem to get his story straight.

But the real problem is his assumption that low-income people want to live in multifamily housing. In fact, they don’t want to live in second-class housing any more than they want to use second-class transportation (meaning transit). Moreover, single-family housing can be built that is much more affordable than multifamily, which tends to cost far more per square foot.

Then there was an article on the San Francisco Chronicle claiming that single-family zoning is costing San Franciscans hundreds of thousands of dollars per home. The writer bases this conclusion on a paper by Wharton Business School researchers Joseph Gyourko and Jacob Krimmel.

However, nowhere in that paper do the researchers blame high housing prices on single-family zoning. In fact, the words “single-family zoning” don’t even appear in the paper. Instead, they blame high housing prices on “supply constraints.” The chief supply constraints in the San Francisco Bay Area are the urban-growth boundaries that confine development to the existing urbanized area, which occupies just 30 percent of the region.

Thanks to those growth boundaries, less than 45 percent of Bay Area households live in single-family detached homes. In many urban areas that don’t have such constraints, the share is greater than 70 percent. So more than a quarter of Bay Area residents are prevented from achieving their dream of living in a single-family home, and the Chronicle wants to make it even more by replacing existing single-family homes with apartments.

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Nor will building more condos in San Francisco or San Jose make them more affordable. Midrise and high-rise multifamily housing costs more to build and buyers consider them less desirable than single-family homes, so developers simply won’t build enough to make a dent in housing prices unless they are subsidized.

The idea of artificially driving up housing prices to force more people to live in apartments was first conceived in Britain, whose parliament passed the Town & Country Planning Act in 1947. This law limited urban growth and subsidized the construction of massive numbers of apartments for working-class families. Today, the average British resident lives in homes that are smaller and poorer in quality than those in the 1930s. To keep up with demand, the government has long had a goal of building 300,000 new homes (mainly apartments) a year in England, but has never achieved that goal.

The country came close in the year ending March, 2020, when 244,000 new homes were built in England, more than any year since 1987. Many of these were single-family homes. Yet this has predictably raised the ire of environmentalists who claim single-family homes are a “blot on the landscape.” Opponents of new housing, comments The Economist, “claim to care more about the environment” than having affordable housing.

But using the environment to block new homes is a red herring. The United Kingdom squeezes 68 million people into slightly less land than the state of Oregon, which has just 4.2 million people. Urban-growth boundaries and greenbelts confine most Brits to just 6 percent of the land. If they were allowed to “sprawl” across the landscape at U.S. suburban densities, they would cover 18 percent of the land, leaving 82 percent for farms, forests, and open space.

The United States is much bigger and land is even more abundant. Urban areas cover only about 3 percent of the land. Two-thirds of agricultural lands are pretty much vacant while our forests grow more than twice as much wood as we use each year.

Urban sprawl isn’t going to completely pave over the rural landscapes of any state, not even small states like Rhode Island (which was 61 percent rural in 2010) or New Jersey (which was 60 percent rural, the least of any state), and certainly not Hawaii (which was 94 percent rural). These numbers are from the 2010 census; we’ll know when 2020 census results are published in a few months how much this has changed in the last decade, but I suspect the answer is not much.

Nor will forcing more people to live in multifamily housing save much energy. It is a lot less expensive to build zero-energy single-family homes than to build midrise or high-rise housing, and the energy cost of building mid- or high-rise is also much greater.

Despite continued and growing preferences for single-family homes, a web search for “single-family zoning” reveals enormous animosity to such housing. Like the animosity to the automobile, this comes from a minority of people who refuse to recognize that Americans not only want but are better off in single-family homes and automobiles.

People should be allowed to choose to live in single-family or multifamily homes based on the actual costs of such housing, not costs that are artificially inflated by planning regulations. People should also be allowed to choose to live in single-family neighborhoods, protected by either deed restrictions or zoning, if they prefer such neighborhoods. Free-market advocates who want to “restore property rights” by abolishing single-family zoning are falling into a trap set for them by the central planners who want to ignore people’s preferences and cram more families into multifamily housing.

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About The Antiplanner

The Antiplanner is a forester and economist with more than fifty years of experience critiquing government land-use and transportation plans.

45 Responses to Urban Sociopaths

  1. CapitalistRoader says:

    But the real problem is his assumption that low-income people want to live in multifamily housing.

    The Left makes the same assumption about education:

    We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.
    – Joe Biden, 9 Aug 2019

  2. LazyReader says:

    Assumption is the mother of all fuck up

  3. metrosucks says:

    “People should be allowed to choose to live in single-family or multifamily homes based on the actual costs of such housing, not costs that are artificially inflated by planning regulations.”

    People should also be able to live in a community that doesn’t artificially subsidize poor people to be able to live there. I don’t want to live next to Tyrone.

    Larry Elder is OK as a neighbor, though, so long as his sons don’t date my daughters. Just the way things are; I’m honest enough to say it out loud. Only stupid, over privileged boomers and upper middle class would disagree.

  4. CapitalistRoader says:

    My parents’ neighbors had a granddaughter who was quite a handful in her teens and early-20s so her parents shipped her off to live with grandma and grandpa. The grandparents were white, having moved from Kentucky to Chicago suburbs in the 50s, chasing jobs. The granddaughter started dating a black guy her age and the grandparents hit the roof and threw her out. The granddaughter and her black boyfriend married a couple of years later, after he got his air traffic controller job, and now have two beautiful kids. Before they died, both grandparents had reconciled with the granddaughter and her new husband.

    Now, people have called me stupid but I don’t think I’m an over privileged boomer and I’m definitely not upper middle class. I am happy for the granddaughter and her young family.

  5. metrosucks says:

    You’ve literally just proved me right with a boomer-level sob story of anti-racist love.

    Seems like everyone and their mother knows that rocket scientist black who doesn’t smoke crack, isn’t an aspiring rapper, and doesn’t do drive-by shootings, the regular, decent Jew who doesn’t despise whites and that doesn’t run a usurious bank or an evil NGO trying to turn every child into a tranny, an Indian who isn’t a drunk, or a homeless person working two jobs and not doing drugs.

    Except we can read, extensively, about the exact opposite of those bullshit anecdotes and see the mayhem these various groups create. Here’s the real, un-sugared truth about black & white couplings:

    -More than 97% of white women that have interracial children are single moms. This is much higher than the figure for black couples where both parents are black (somewhere in the 70% range, still extremely high).

    -Dating or marrying a black man are, statistically, the most dangerous activities a young white woman can engage in. This is referred to as “burn the coal, pay the toll”.

    -A white woman is a dozen times more likely to be murdered by a black spouse, than by a white husband.

    Now let’s look at some of the dubious “benefits” an interracial couple passes on to their mulatto children as a result of their selfishness:

    -Mulatto children do not fit in or have an identity. Sure, in today’s interracial propaganda soaked world, we feel culturally pressured to accept interracial people, but in an atmosphere missing this peer pressure, both sides will refuse the mulatto individual and deny them agency and identity. In Africa, mulatto’s are actually hated more than pure white people. The Africans are not stupid enough to believe your “there is only the human race” boomer bullshit, after all.

    -Mulatto children have an almost nil chance of matching for organ donations in the event it’s necessary. Often, even both of the parents are not a close enough match. Blood transfusions are also more complicated for mulatto individuals.

    -Mulatto children suffer much higher rates of depression than pure race individuals, and a suicide rate 5-6 times as high as non-mixed individuals. Quite a bit of this can be attributed to not being able to fit into any one group. Identity is important.

    -Because many of the genes that govern white features are recessive ones, compared to the dominant black genes, your mulatto child has a vanishingly small chance of looking like anything but a generic brown person.

    We could go on and on, but from the above (and there are more problems with interracial couples that I haven’t touched on), this seems like a supremely selfish act, rather than one couched in love. Pretty much comes to some selfish white bitch thinking “I love Tyrone’s smooth talk and big black dick and I’ll also show my racist white parents a thing or two!”.

    I’ll close with a link to Muhammed Ali’s interview with some BBC idiot. Instead of pandering to politically correct bullshit like you do, Muhammed was intelligent and courageous enough to say that interracial dating and marriage was a bad thing. He wanted his kids to look like him, and only a black woman could understand his needs, as a black man. Stop patting yourself on the back and listen to some real wisdom:


  6. LazyReader says:

    when Suburbanites whine they hate cities, because they’re noisy and polluted.
    Cities aren’t loud, CARS are loud and pollute.
    “HONK HONK HONK HONK, HEY ASSHOLE MOVE IT, Police/ambulance sirens”
    ring any bells.

    Without cars, cities are fairly quiet and clean. “Car Horns should be just as loud on the inside of the car than the outside”. YES. Such a simple change that would remove so much needless honking. Cars create lots of air and noise pollution, but experience little of it, because, cabin air filters eliminate the particulates they have to breathe and sound dampening technology makes car interiors quiet enough to listen to music, or conversation.

  7. prk166 says:

    I don’t want to live next to Tyrone.

    Statistically speaking you should be worried about living next to Thad. Tyrone is much, much less likely.

  8. prk166 says:

    Cities aren’t loud, CARS are loud and pollute.
    ” ~lazyreader

    Congratulations for jumping in with one the biggest worthless strawmen that ubranistas have concoted to date.

    Things that are loud in my neighborhood dowtown:
    a) numpites across the street partying at the pool at 11 at night
    b) helicopters coming going from the hospital near me
    c) firetrucks
    d) zipperheads shooting off fireworks from the riverwalk
    e) boats on the river blasting music
    f) people on the riverwalk blasting music
    g) groups of people late at night, presumably bar hopping, walking by and being horribly loud
    h) police cars
    i) fireworks at baseball stadium ( frequently after most games )
    j) noise from concerts + games at football stadium
    k) ambulances
    l) buses, especially their braking and accelerating, that wah-wah-wah and the whining they make accelerating
    m) car driving by playing loud music.

    I live 2 blocks off an interstate in a high rise. I rarely hear cars and when I do they’re on the street down below. 2/3 the time it’s a motorcycle blasting music and muffler made to be noisy. A third when I hear cars it’s someone blasting music at ear splitting levels. Hell, some of them have taken to installing speakers on the outside of their car. That’s when I hear cars. That’s the car noise you’re refering. to. Otherwise, it’s nada.

    In the city there’s a butt ton of noise coming from all sorts of shit that ain’t people driving their cars. Weekends always have jack asses walking around making noise. It just ain’t. Only someone drunk on their own ideology could live in the city and fail to see all the things making noise.

  9. prk166 says:

    And that doesn’t even touch the farcial claim that it’s the noise that keeps people out of core cities. It ain’t the noise.

    People don’t like cities for all sorts of reasons

    a) schools that are largely so failed, so incompetent not only do they not teach students, they even fail at babysitting them
    b) extreme left politics
    c) eveything’s smaller, more crammed together
    d) dealing with vagrants
    e) 85+% of jobs are not core cities; they’re in suburbia. people would rather be closer to work.
    e) avoid third world levels of violent crime
    f) things just get dirty, graffit and messy and grungy, always garbage around; the lack of grass + trees + open horizons is a drag on the soul

    for the later, just look at this in Williamsburg in NYC. This isn’t the richest part of town but it’s a nice part of town. Hardly anything green. No dirt, no grass, a handful of scrawny trees. And there’s garbage everywhere. Not just on the sidewalks and trhe streets but there’ sa gauntlet of garbage everyone has to walk by.


  10. prk166 says:

    BTW – Metrosucks, the US is going to be beige in a couple generations. Your obsessions with black and white and interracial is going to be in large demographically eliminated.

  11. prk166 says:

    Also, I love the use of the word “mulatto” in a sort of “aw shucks that sort of ignorance is kinda adorable way”. Like when my grandma calls the Hondurans that moved into town “the Spanish”. Of course she sprinkles in the occasional “well it’s that factory that hires those Mexicans”. Cute but out of touch.

  12. prk166 says:

    I’m sorry, I can’t let this sort of lazy bullshit just float there without pointing it out.

    Cars create lots of air and noise pollution, but experience little of it, because, cabin air filters eliminate the particulates they have to breathe and sound dampening technology makes car interiors quiet enough to listen to music, or conversation.

    The sound dampens the noise cyz the people are 2 feet away from the engine. It dampens the noise cuz they’re 2 feet away from the street. It doesn’t elminate it. And if you’re more than 2 feet away from that stuff, you don’t hear it. Car tires rolling on the street ain’t creating noise in the city they way you claim.

    As for the pollution, WTF. You need some treatment for your narcissitic meglomania. Cabin filters are a gimmic more thna anything. They do nothing to reduce tail pipe polution that would come into the car. Nothing.

    If you don’t believe me, get in that 2021 auto with 14 miles on it and fresh new set of cabin filters, park it in the garage with the garage doors + windows shut and leave the car running. You’ll find out the hard way how those cabin filters do nothing to filter out tailpipe emissions.

  13. Ted says:

    “Statistically speaking you should be worried about living next to Thad. Tyrone is much, much less likely.”

    Hilarious. Have you not actually seen the stats? You know, the ones that show that 6% of the population is responsible for 36% of the violent crime and nearly 60% of homicides?

  14. prk166 says:

    New Urbanist David Larson, writing in the Federalist, argues that “more Americans could live in beautiful neighborhoods if the Right stopped propping up suburbia.” What he means is that the suburbs should be forced to discard single-family zoning so that high-density housing projects can be built in their midst. One of the reasons we should do this, he says, is that “suburbia is undeniably ugly.” Wait a minute — I thought the suburbs were beautiful? He can’t seem to get his story straight.
    ” ~anti-planner

    You’re being kind. Larson’s piece is sprawling and incoherent. He seems to think he’s being persuasive and clever when he seems to have regurgitated some of Chuck Mahron’s diahrea about traditional building patterns + tossed in “beauty with it”.

  15. prk166 says:

    Here’s a link to pic from yesterday. I was going to follow up with the city again. Thankfully I live in a city that still cares and when I went by later had cleaned up the garbage.

    This ain’t beauty


    This is the city and ain’t beautiful

    And it’ ain’t an american surburbia highway thing + again, this ain’t beautiful, YWG canadia, right in the heart of the city


    Or here in the heart of Hamburg. No one would call this beautiful


    • metrosucks says:

      “BTW – Metrosucks, the US is going to be beige in a couple generations. Your obsessions with black and white and interracial is going to be in large demographically eliminated.”

      Don’t count on it. Just because Jews are pushing for it, doesn’t mean they’ll get it.

      Oh, you didn’t know it was our GREATEST ALLY who wants to see us turned into generic brown turds? Well, now you know!

  16. metrosucks says:

    “Hilarious. Have you not actually seen the stats? You know, the ones that show that 6% of the population is responsible for 36% of the violent crime and nearly 60% of homicides?”

    High testosterone, hyper short time preference (I gotta to have it now!!!), inability to think ahead (connected to the former trait), and so on and so forth. But yeah, racial differences are only skin deep, derp. Schlomo says diversity is our strength. Never mind that in Israel, it’s literally de facto illegal for a Jew and a non-jew to marry (the marriages are not so much as even recognized):


  17. CapitalistRoader says:

    Metrosucks, what would happen if one of your daughters fell in love with and wanted to marry a black guy? Would you try to stop the marriage?

  18. metrosucks says:

    I’d have spent the last 18 years teaching her not to do that sort of thing. Which the last couple generations failed to do. No one anywhere in my extended family, or even any of my friends, would view dating a black as acceptable. There’s no shortage of white men out there.

  19. Ted says:

    Oregon shooting at county fair where rapper Nelly was to perform.

    Pat, I’d like to solve the puzzle.

  20. metrosucks says:


    must be white supremacists setting up all those innocent, aspiring rappers that CapitalistRoader can’t wait to bed his daughters and pop out some beautiful brillo pad hair babies.

  21. ARThomas says:

    As the Antiplanner has observed in the past, the real motive behind this has nothing to do with rational policy. Its the irrational, or at least self serving desire, of the ruling class (whether they call themselves liberals or conservative) to control most of the population and have what essentially is a feudal system. In such a system the only group that matters is the ruling class. Everyone else is subservient to their desires. Also to these people market forces don’t matter, innovation does not matter, nor do human rights or desires.

  22. janehavisham says:


    “even as reported rates of walking among Americans have been on the decline, pedestrian deaths have surged in recent years. Between 2009 and 2019, total driving miles increased by 10 percent but pedestrian deaths increased by 50 percent. In Europe, by contrast, they fell by 36 percent over the last decade”

  23. LazyReader says:

    Why does Europe have such fewer pedestrian deaths…

    1: Lower speed limits
    2: Lighter cars
    3: Massive public effort to make cities liveable, places for residents
    4: Since there’s less crime, Police devote their efforts to safety/enforcement.

    5: Most important: Europe didn’t heavily adopt bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure because they care for the environment; that’s side circumstance. They did it because of energy crisis. Even After World War II Europe went thru multiple energy crisis and Still is Today!

    Europe is an energy intensive region heavily reliant on imports; already today, it imports 50% of its energy needs, projected to increase to 70% within two decades. US solved it’s energy crisis with Fracking; Europe wont/cant do that. Europe has had energy shortages since before WWII; so stringent energy efficiency requirements and rationing were common in Europe.

    Of course the ultimate energy efficiency in transportation is to not need machines for transportation. US is spoiled, we haven’t had an “Energy Crisis” since the 70’s.

    Pedestrian culture died in the US because of three factors….

    Suburban paranoia/White Flight: Desire for security/safety they isolated suburban neighborhoods from the streets/roads served solely by them. Suburbs didn’t mitigate crime; infact According to crime statistics, community size makes only a minor difference, though crime rates are higher in urban than in rural/suburban areas. Some Suburban areas now make up more Arrests.

    Non-integrated retail/Shopping mall/Autocentric accommodations: Autocentric, though some malls have access beyond cars, they’re not wise or safe access routes. But said facilities are only accessible by car and virtually Impossible to assail on foot. The proliferation of auto served facilites like Fastfood, minute clinics, drive thru “Everythings” for sake of saving time. Saving “Time” now we spend TIME galore stuck in traffic.

    Finally…..The Law: The mall looks like public space, but with their private cops and rules about loitering and unaccompanied minors, most shopping centers were never truly open. Strip malls, because they were cheaper to open/run, enforced the same aspect, but despite anti “Loiter” concept, strip malls became havens for sub cultures where loitering is religious fervor…. skaters, punks, rockers, wanna be thugs. But they became havens for crime/decay, strip malls are largely low quality fashion/beauty outlets, chain restaurants and liquor stores. And they were built SO cheaply it was cheaper to demolish than refurbish.
    Not to mention zoning laws in US outmoded/banned certain housing/residential types.

    The United States walks the least of any industrialized nation. Studies employing pedometers have found that where the average Australian takes 9,700 steps per day (just shy of the supposedly ideal “10,000 steps” plateau, itself the product, ironically, of a Japanese pedometer company’s campaign in the 1960s), the average Japanese 7,200, and the average Swiss 9,700, the average American manages only 5,100. Hence a joke: In America a pedestrian is someone who has just parked their car.

    Best summed up in the Simpsons episode “Brake my wife…Please” Where after getting his license revoked Homer must attend other means of transport
    “Public transit is for jerks and Lesbians”

    • CapitalistRoader says:

      Why does Europe have such fewer pedestrian deaths…

      1: Massive proportion of white people make cities liveable, places for residents
      4: Since there’s less racial and ethnic diversity, police devote their efforts to safety/enforcement.

      It’s easy to get along, it’s easy to agree to share things and take care of each other, when everyone looks, talks, and pretty much thinks exactly the same. Much more difficult to do in the racially and ethnically diverse United States.

  24. janehavisham says:

    Speaking of sociopaths, Randall O’Toole blames increased pedestrian deaths on the victims, rather than the hostile environment, high traffic speeds and supersized vehicles that have made the U.S. such a deadly place for walking:


  25. Ted says:

    Maybe it’s time for you to take a walk, Jane.

    Oh, and you forgot cell phones as a possible cause. Don’t forget yours on your walk!

  26. janehavisham says:

    I guess they don’t have cell phones in Europe, lucky for them.

  27. Ted says:

    Is yours stuck up your arse? Sounds like it.

  28. CapitalistRoader says:

    Speaking of sociopaths, Randall O’Toole blames increased pedestrian deaths on the victims, rather than the hostile environment, high traffic speeds and supersized vehicles that have made the U.S. such a deadly place for walking:

    So, in the recent past say, the 1960s, vehicles in the US were much smaller?

  29. CapitalistRoader says:

    No one anywhere in my extended family, or even any of my friends, would view dating a black as acceptable. There’s no shortage of white men out there.

    I feel sorry for you if that’s true. It’s sad, really, dictating to your offspring that only certain races are acceptable to consider as life partners.

    What if your daughter or son fell in love with with a 20-year-old version of John McWhorter or Larry Elder or Thomas Sowell ? Would you disown him/her for wanting to marry a genius?

    Your attitude reminds me of the time I spent in Vietnam, see offspring of black American GI’s being discriminated against because they were part black. Those Vietnamese communists were racist pieces of shit. How are you different from them? My guess is that John McWhorter has 20-point IQ edge on you (and me)…what does that make you and me?

  30. CapitalistRoader says:

    I’m sorry, I can’t let this sort of lazy bullshit just float there without pointing it out.

    Cars create lots of air and noise pollution, but experience little of it,

  31. CapitalistRoader says:

    I’m sorry, I can’t let this sort of lazy bullshit just float there without pointing it out.

    Cars create lots of air and noise pollution, but experience little of it…

    Now do the The Great Horse-Manure Crisis of 1894.

  32. metrosucks says:

    “I feel sorry for you if that’s true. It’s sad, really, dictating to your offspring that only certain races are acceptable to consider as life partners.”

    I want to pass on my genetics and have offspring, and grandchildren, that look like me. The most basic biological imperative, and I will not apologize for it.

    Needless to say, Larry Elder and Thomas Sowell, both men I respect, would agree. They want kids and grandkids that look like them, not some undifferentiated, deracinated hybrids that tickle Jewish funny bones.

    It makes sense, when you consider that many high value blacks (and by that I don’t mean wealthy rappers or hip hop thugs) marry black women, instead of the white women they could surely attract, if they so desired. Maybe like Ali, they just have more common sense than you, not spending all day in a politically correct haze. True diversity is the endless distinct differences of humanity respected and preserved. We’re being sold the made up brown nirvana of Brazil, a bill of goods, and a society in decline and full of racial chaos.

    Those vietnamese were not “pieces of shit”, as you so ignorantly opined. They viewed the mulatto offspring and their mothers as traitors and products of whorish lust. Needless to say, the blacks hastily abandoned their asian “loves” and fled back to the US.

    I also have to point out, as anyone not completely filled with bullshit would have to agree, that there is hardly anything uglier than the average asian and African hybrid.

  33. CapitalistRoader says:

    I want to pass on my genetics and have offspring, and grandchildren, that look like me.

    Then you’ll have to be cloned.

    I also have to point out, as anyone not completely filled with bullshit would have to agree, that there is hardly anything uglier than the average asian and African hybrid.


  34. janehavisham says:

    “More likely, the phone is stuck up “Jane’s” enormous hook nose.”

    Did any of you “Not See” that coming from Frank?

  35. metrosucks says:

    What’s your point?

    Naomi Osaka was cute as a baby too. Not many people would say the same today. I’ve seen a Vietnamese-black hybrid or two in my life, living in the Seattle area, and my apologies to the lady herself, who never did anything wrong to me, but frankly, both she and her teenage daughter were hideous by any objective standard.

    Babies are cute in general; it serves a biological function to ensure sympathy and care from adults. Stop cherry picking so desperately. If you want your daughters to get railed by ghetto blacks and raise mulatto’s that have a pretty good chance of growing up to be liquor store robbers or drive-by shooters, just man up to it, for God’s sake. Don’t tiptoe around that.

    And stop pretending that the three exceptional IQ blacks in the world are going to have genius kid’s. Newsflash: there is something called “regression to the mean”, bud, and an IQ distribution curve. And neither the “mean”, nor the curve itself, is very flattering to blacks.

    Despite literally billions of blacks on this planet, no black has ever had a Nobel Prize for hard science. Most of the inventions you hear about from Africa were actually from South Africa, by the Dutch and Germans who lived there.

    And Egyptians were not, and are not blacks. The blacks didn’t design the pyramids.

    To this day, cannibalism is still widely practiced in Africa. Stop defending these people!


  36. Ted says:

    Jane has outed “herself” as Dan without a doubt.

  37. metrosucks says:

    Very likely. I remember, several years back, Dan was obsessing about “nazi’s” and the “holocaust” too, trying to get a rise out of me and Frank.

    Here Jane/Dan, here’s your gold star:


    (one Jew glowingly talking about another Jew’s frank and open desire to exterminate all white people, go figure)

    This one is for CapitalistRoader. Obey the wishes of your betters:

    Noel Ignatiev’s “Race Traitor” newsletter: “Abolish The White Race – By Any Means Necessary”

    Noel Ignatiev again:


  38. CapitalistRoader says:

    Metrosucks, you’re not seeing the big picture. Big businesses that can’t offshore their operations and very wealthy people want lots of new people who are willing to work for low wages. As a result, the foreign-born population in the US has steadily risen levels we havn’t seen since the 1920s. This has increased economic pressure on blue collar native-born populations and the result is increased tribalism.

    Yes, blacks are dumber than whites are dumber than Asians are dumber than Ashkenazi Jews. But we used to have lots of opportunity in this country for all intelligence levels. The high levels of immigration in the past few decades is killing that opportunity for citizens in the lower intelligence range. And that’s why Trump was and remains so popular among native-born citizens. They’ve been watching their kids getting left behind for the past few decades.

    I don’t blame them. Think back to how this played out in the 1920s. Legislation virtually stopped immigration and gave blue collar citizens a few decades to catch up. Almost certainly the same thing will happen in the US over the next ten years, and in Europe too.

  39. metrosucks says:

    I am very, very aware of the big picture, Mr. CapitalistRoader.

    Big businesses that can’t offshore their operations and very wealthy people want lots of new people who are willing to work for low wages. As a result, the foreign-born population in the US has steadily risen levels we haven’t seen since the 1920s. This has increased economic pressure on blue collar native-born populations and the result is increased tribalism.

    Not exactly. You see, yes, big businesses want cheap labor, of course. That has always been the case. Traditionally, this was provided with child labor, or labor procured from some socially disadvantaged white group (like the Irish). Today, we use illegal (and sometimes legal) Hispanics for this. Here is an interesting fact that you probably did not know.

    Historically, this country was founded on the concept of European-only immigration, and this was actual law on the books until the Jewish created, and Jewish promoted & passed immigration act of 1965

    Now, I keep saying “Jews” because they were actively, and openly, seeking the watering down of the white population of America in furtherance of their own interests. Again, they weren’t hiding this back then. Today, at least until he died, you have creeps like Noel Ignatiev. Back in the late 19th century to the 1970’s-1980’s, you had a whole pethora of Jews calling for the extermination of white people, ala the Morgenthau Plan.

    Yes, blacks are dumber than whites are dumber than Asians are dumber than Ashkenazi Jews. But we used to have lots of opportunity in this country for all intelligence levels. The high levels of immigration in the past few decades is killing that opportunity for citizens in the lower intelligence range

    This is true at a certain level (speaking of needing jobs filled by “all intelligence levels”), but we already had plenty of whites to fill those spots. After all, much as I am a proponent of white people, I understand the bell curve of IQ and understand there are plenty of average and below average whites. That is why I am saying the immigration agenda is NOT about cheap labor. Importing Somalians and putting them all on welfare as they commit endless amounts of crime does not contribute to job growth or any company’s bottom line, unless you count Lutheran Family Services, its Catholic equivalent, and the Jewish equivalent.

    Latin America is not a undifferentiated mass of identical Hispanics. For example, Mexico, on average, has a significantly higher IQ than Guatemala or Honduras, locations from which much of the current wave of invaders is arriving from. I’ve known quite a few Mexicans and most of them are quite similar to white Europeans in many aspects. That is why I’ve said that Mexicans are the most compatible ethnic group with white civilization. They get along with us reasonably well, they are indisputably hard, uncomplaining workers, and I believe a lot of the disparities in crime could truly be solved with cultural adjustments. This doesn’t mean we don’t need a controlled border or to tighten up immigration. We absolutely need that, and I’ll get back to that subject.

    However, what they are importing now has nothing to do with Mexicans who fairly seamlessly integrate with white society. Guatemalans are basically aboriginal monkeys. The propaganda articles talking about their plights basically admit as much, referring to them as “mountain people” or admitting they don’t even understand Spanish. These people are completely and utterly useless to our society as anything but a disruptive demographic tool employed by the Jewish elite. Guatemalans and their assorted ilk can barely wash dishes or start a fire. Their homes in central America more resemble the mud huts of African primitives than anything else. They do, however, breed rapaciously and create a large swarm of instant Democrats for our government’s convenience. All those imported monkeys and their children basically vote 100% Democrat on the national level, and their mere presence affects left-wing power on the local level, even if they don’t vote (contrary to what Jewish-suffused newspapers tell you, these groups are not afraid to use public services or fraudulently vote. You can’t even cite them for violating those rules in jurisdictions like California.

    Now, moving to a different immigration target. Prepare yourself, because this statement will likely come as a shock to you. Illegal immigration is not actually the greatest threat to European society. Legal immigration is, by far, the greatest threat.

    Shocking, right? Let me explain. I’ve talked to many Mexicans, the vast majority of which are actually educated or hold a technically proficient blue-collar position, and are perfectly normal people who share the same problems that regular white people do. Almost all of them say the same thing: they love Mexico and want to retire there when they are old.. They are not interested in conquering the US. Again, the La Raza (literally, for those who don’t know, Spanish for “The Race” type thugs and gangbangers are low-quality individuals whipped into a envy & hate-driven frenzy by Jewish special interest groups. Regular, non-aboriginal Mexicans largely want to come here, get a good job, be a normal person, and go back to Mexico and their culture to retire.

    Refugees and the current crop of subcontinental’s being imported from India are the real threat. . Somalians and the like are being imported specifically to act as a chain around Americans’ necks, increasing crime and societal distrust. Indians are being imported specifically to eradicate the professional white middle class. Indians are on average, complete morons. They are not the skilled STEM workers the media has told you they are. . The evil H1B visa program, and its related visa system, is fraught with shameless fraud.

    Did you know that many Indians that migrate to the US start in customer service support positions in some call center in India, and fake their way through a so-called technical education to use the H1B visa system as a chain migration program?

    While Asians, Chinese in particular, are known or rumored to cheat in school, Indians are unique in having a state-sponsored & state-tolerated system of fake education and credentials to pass the so-called education requirements under the H1B visa system

    A bachelor’s degree can be purchased for as little as several hundred dollars in India. There are fake schools now set up completely for this purpose, as American hiring managers have become wise to the scam and are trying to verify credentials.

    It gets much worse, however. Indians, particularly the ethnic subgroup that comprises the majority of so-called highly education STEM professionals, have set up systems to have other individuals do remote interviews for them, helping them pass technical exercises they have no skill in. These services are widely advertised in India and available to essentially anyone.

    Once here, they use chain migration, a part of the H1B visa system that Trump rightfully complained about, to bring in a bigger horde of their extended family than the most slimy Guatemalan could even dream of. Trump, for his part, praised Indians for being intelligent and useful to the US as part of his great ignorance of many portions of the evil system we live under.

    Let me be clear. Well over a million completely foreign genetic aliens, who have no intention of ever integrating into our system beyond becoming Democrats, are “legally” imported into our country every single year. Legal immigration of these third world parasites is the greatest single threat to our society. .

    Let me be even clearer. This system was designed by Jews, promoted by Jews, and is defended and yes, described as essential to our country by Jewish individuals and a Jewish system whose single overriding goal is the extermination of white people, with particular focus on their greatest enemies, Anglo-Saxon’s.

    This is why television, which is owned lock, stock and barrel by ridiculously wealthy Jews, is suffocating in displays of absurd and false examples of black greatness, and promoting a shocking level of interracial relationships (which is still described as “not enough” by our Jewish overlords). Due to the statistically reliable genetic makeup of blacks, Jewish elites understand that blacks are uniquely incompatible with high-trust Western Civilizations. This is why they have been chosen as the single most likely group to help Jews finally burn Western Civilization to the ground.

    As long as blacks are treated as “whites who just happen to have black skin” under our system, the current problems will continue, and in fact, escalate dramatically.

    You can bury your head in the sand and scream “racism!” or “but what about my daughter marrying Clarence Thomas or Thomas Sowell!?” (individuals, who, by the way, are such statistical outliers that they are literally, NOT figuratively, one in a billion), OR you can open your eyes and see what is going on in the media and in the world.

    In closing this too-long piece that will likely cause my posting privileges to be terminated on this blog, political involvement is important, but not in the way you may think. Why do you believe the January 6th “event” is so important to those in power? They’re not afraid of some rash of white people committing an armed takeover of government institutions! Not at all. If anything, these events arm government with the excuses necessary to crack down on what truly frightens them: the local political organization of white people who are joining other like-minded people to organize politically to advance white interests. So vote white, talk to your neighbors. Do not post on Facebook or Twitter. Quietly creating a contingent of aware individuals in your (preferably smaller) community is how political organizing starts. All politics is local. Capturing the presidency is useless. Look at how Trump was turned from this big-mouthed bully to a whimpering simp after four years of relentless attack.

    Peace out. Remember, white people don’t need to justify their existence to a hostile, alien occupying force. We literally gave the world everything it has. White lives matter.

  40. CapitalistRoader says:

    Mr./Ms. Metrosucks, you and I disagree on very little. Lots of bold font notwithstanding, politically you and I probably agree on 90% of today’s policy issues. Where I disagree with you is your verbiage, i.e.:

    Guatemalans are basically aboriginal monkeys.

    Have you ever been to Guatemala? Have you ever been to India? Have you ever interacted with a broad spectrum of individuals from either country? I have, and most other Central and South American and East and South Asian countries too. In all of those countries there are smart and stupid people. I get along fine with the smart ones.

    You make an excellent point about the abuse of H1B visas. Keep in mind, thought, that such visas aren’t required for blue collar jobs. Any construction jobsite in my city is filled with illegal aliens. That’s why there are no more citizen drywall or framing or stucco jobs or companies. And that has ravished lower- and middle-income United States.

    And you’re right: Trump awakened the largest victim group, European-Americans. This immigration policy issue is not going away, no matter what the ultra-rich Democratic globalists wish for . But calling human beings “aboriginal monkeys” probably isn’t helping your cause.

  41. metrosucks says:

    Mr./Ms. Metrosucks, you and I disagree on very little. Lots of bold font notwithstanding,

    Perhaps I misunderstood, and I acknowledge the desire to keep the possession of certain knowledge on the down low. The bold parts are the most important. Without considering the influence of a rich, powerful, and hostile alien force, 99% of what is going on could never have taken place. The Jews themselves, admit this openly. More and more, it is done in Israeli based newspapers that gentiles do not read. But they are not shy about their goals.. The rest of your positions are meaningless without understanding the root of the problem. However, that is personal knowledge that no one else desires to hear. We are so chained down in our politically correct tyranny that to even whisper many of these thoughts would result in the complete destruction of your life.

    Have you ever been to Guatemala? Have you ever been to India? Have you ever interacted with a broad spectrum of individuals from either country? I have, and most other Central and South American and East and South Asian countries too. In all of those countries there are smart and stupid people. I get along fine with the smart ones.

    We must revert back to the bell curve, and IQ. Smart people who are doing well in their own countries have little desire to uproot their lives and travel to a completely foreign land. Trump’s “they aren’t sending their best” comment was, by accident of not guarding his thoughts, an entirely accurate one.

    The US is not some perfect nirvana that everyone desires to move to. The vast majority of individuals are perfectly happy, or at least content, where they are. The average IQ in Guatemala is 79 (almost identical to that of India, coincidentally). Its neighboring countries are barely higher in average IQ than sub-Saharan Africa.

    Look at these people! They’re essentially aboriginal Indians. They have no place in our society! Their only desire is to be on permanent welfare and breed dozens of anchor baby parasites:


    I stand by my comment 100%. These people barely qualify as human. I don’t want them in my country or my neighborhood. There’s not a single thing that any Guatemalan, Honduran, or El Salvadorian can do to improve white society, and there’s not a single thing any of them have ever done to improve any society. Let them live in their own shitholes! And if it wasn’t for hostile Jewish groups constantly enticing, and indeed funding, their invasion of the US, they would never even be here!

    Any construction jobsite in my city is filled with illegal aliens. That’s why there are no more citizen drywall or framing or stucco jobs or companies. And that has ravished lower- and middle-income United States.

    Again, that is the fault of hostile Jewish elites that constantly and loudly clamor for third world immigration. But there is a reason for this behavior beyond simply “making us miserable”. First, hated blue color workers (the same ones you mentioned), whom Jews knew would never go along with their ridiculous lies, were disenfranchised by Mexican immigration. They lost their blue collar jobs to Central Americans.

    But, notice this. Now that Mexico has improved to the point where many Mexicans do not want to invade the US and turn it into another Mexico, the Jewish elite has turned their focus to importing lower classes of human, the lowest IQ groups on the entire American continent: Guatemalans, Hondurans, and El Salvadorians. This is a persistent theme in history. The US government intervenes in some shithole under Jewish elite guidance, and turns it into even more of a shithole. A few decades down the road, a refugee crisis is suddenly manufactured, and blamed on US intervention, thereby now establishing a moral imperative to allow all these poor, oppressed 60IQ refugees into our country. This has been a highly successful and productive plan, which is why it is insistently repeated. The US intervention in Somalia was deliberately done in order to establish the future stream of Somalian “refugees” to the US and Europe. Same with Syria and Afghanistan.

    Did you clamor for the bombing of Syria? The occupation of Nicaragua? The intervention in Somalia? No, and neither did I. What possible benefit to the American people was accomplished by US activity in those countries? Who was pushing for this? Jewish elites!

    And you’re right: Trump awakened the largest victim group, European-Americans. This immigration policy issue is not going away, no matter what the ultra-rich Democratic globalists wish for .

    The ideas that Mr. Trump alluded to in his first race were the ones embraced by white Americans. The actions that were taken by his administration, admittedly constantly impeded at every turn by the enormous number of Jewish elites in the Trump government, turned the roaring lion into a whimpering gazelle.

    However, it is the idea and symbol of Trump, not the actual man, that scares the elite shitless. As an individual, Trump is a highly flawed and compromised individual. Yet regardless, he gave a legitimate voice to millions of disenfranchised and displaced whites. That is what Jewish elites (OK fine, AKA rich globalist Democrats) fear the most, and that is why the system’s backlash and oppression of Europeans is so intense.

    I do not believe the current system will last much longer. Its inherent contradictions and various special interest groups all fighting each other provide for a far more unstable system than the Soviet Union “enjoyed” (communism, of course, is a thoroughly Jewish system that was designed to punish Russians, who are also much hated by Jews because of their Orthodox Christian faith. Unlike their lies today, Jews took full, generous credit for the creation of communism back during its birth, and the Communist system was suffused with New York Jews from top to bottom until Stalin took power and purged many of them).

    Anyway, we will be victorious, but it will be a bloody and damaging victory. Not in terms of warfare, I do not believe, but in terms of what could have been! The wasted resources, the lost generations of white people that barely scrape along, much less have healthy white families, the self-hatred inculcated in those same people.

    Let me be clear. The sign of the system finally collapsing will be when people withdraw their consent from the public school system, which is the only de facto, established religion in the US. Count the costs. Once parents realize the indoctrination and evil of the public school system isn’t worth the enormous “free daycare” subsidy the system is most loved for, and begin homeschooling their children en masse, you know the end of this depraved tyranny is near.

  42. metrosucks says:

    Here is a long list of writings by the enemy and its apparatchiks, openly celebrating and plotting white replacement, the same thing they say is not happening in mainstream media organs:


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