Taxing Today to Subsidize Yesterday

Here’s a great idea sure to be endorsed by everyone who doesn’t think they get enough junk in their mailbox every day: tax email to subsidize the Postal Service.

I can see it now: A multi-billion-dollar annual slush fund that the president can use to reward his supporters in Congress. Labor agreements that allow mail carriers to retire on full pensions at age 55 after just ten years of work. Whole new lobby groups looking enviously at European postal subsidies and talking about how we need postal subsidies to “reconnect America.”

Whole engineering firms will devote themselves to doing studies of whether cities should accept federal funds to build new post offices. Soon people will point out how new post offices stimulate economic development. “We built one post office in a blighted area,” someone will no doubt say, “and got a billion dollars of new projects.” Others will complain about how unsustainable airmail is and demand a return to railway post offices.

Of course, this is only the beginning. We need to tax word processing software to subsidize typewriters; tax spreadsheets to subsidize slide rules; tax digital cameras to subsidize film manufacturers. Whole industries are disappearing before our eyes. Think of the lost jobs!
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