End the Shutdown Now!

The government shutdown has reduced DC Metro ridership by 25 percent and Metro revenues by $400,000 a day. This has led senate Democrats to demand an end to the shutdown in order to save Metro. After all, as everyone knows, the main purpose of the federal government is to provide customers to transit agencies like Metro.

The senators representing Maryland and Virginia — Ben Cardin, and Chris Van Hollen, Mark Warner, and Tim Kaine — have issued a joint statement calling the shutdown “wasteful” and “destructive.” “At a time when Metro already is undertaking substantial, disruptive projects to improve safety and reliability,” they said, “President Trump’s shutdown is jeopardizing the health and stability of the entire Metro system.”
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But what better time to shut down the government than when Metro is doing “disruptive” projects? Should Trump have waited until everything was fixed to shut it down? (As if that’s ever going to happen.) The reality is that Metro itself is wasteful and destructive, and when it has a $25 billion maintenance backlog the addition or subtraction of $400,000 a day isn’t going to make much difference.