Growing Interest in Driverless Cars

As the nation’s transit industry slowly implodes from the weight of political control, the replacement for transit is getting some attention in the press. Researchers from the University of Parma are sending two driverless cars from Italy to Shanghai.

Researchers at Ohio State University have received a $1.5 million National Science Foundation grant to develop the software necessary to allow driverless cars to work in mixed traffic. Volkswagen, which plans to run a driverless Audi up Pikes Peak Road this September, is expanding its research program at Stanford University
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The New York Times Freakonomics blog covered the idea of driverless cars in detail (with reference to the Antiplanner). Curiously, the Ft. Worth Star-Tribune also had a recent article featuring driverless cars and other automotive innovations that did not reference the Antiplanner and clearly was based on entirely different sources. It is good to know that more people are thinking about the benefits of automating driving.

Transit Has $77.7 Billion Maintenance Backlog

A new report from the Federal Transit Administration says that America’s transit agencies need $77.7 billion to bring their systems up to a state of good repair. This report is an update to a previous report that just looked at seven of the nation’s leading transit systems (Boston, Chicago, New Jersey Transit, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco BART, and Washington Metro).

That earlier report found those seven systems had a maintenance backlog of about $50 billion, about 94 percent of which was due to rail transit. The new report looks at all transit systems and says that the national total for rail transit is $59.2 billion while other transit is $18.4 billion.

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Washington Metro Takes Action!

In an article worthy of The Onion, the Washington Post proclaims that “Dupont Circle escalator incident prompts Metro to take action.” The incident in question was the breakdown of the giant, 130-foot escalators at the Dupont Circle Metro station, which forced patrons to walk or, in some cases, crawl over handrails to adjacent escalators. The escalator problems were compounded by inadequacies in Metro’s radio network that prevented employees from communicating with one another about the breakdown.

Video by Twitter user @giveit2lloyd; view the original here.

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So what great action is Metro taking to deal with the escalators it has failed to keep in a state of good repair? It is providing bullhorns to station employees so they can do better crowd control and communicate with one another the next time the escalators break down. That’s proactive!

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Airfares Taking Flight?

Delta and Northwest have merged, and now United and Continental are merging. So naturally someone raises the specter that airfares are going to go up. “Concentration in any industry leads to higher prices,” says someone who claims to have analyzed the airline industry for 40 years.

I don’t know what industry they have been analyzing, but it isn’t the one I’ve observed over the past 40 years. The problem for the airlines is that the cost of starting a new airline is low. Sure, the planes are expensive, but you can lease those. Once you have those, you don’t have to pay for air space, you don’t have to build airports, and you don’t have to build your own air traffic control system. As a result, for every airline that disappears through bankruptcy or merger, another one springs up.

Though not relevant to the rest of this post, this plane is not only painted like a salmon, it is a piece of pork. As a favor to the Alaska fishing industry, Alaska Congressman Don Young wrote a half-million-dollar earmark into the 2005 transportation bill to paint this plane to advertise Alaska salmon. Photo courtesy Alaska Airlines.

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And Your Point Is?

Matthew Yglesias is somehow offended by the Antiplanner’s recent post on Cato’s blog about the huge decline in the productivity of our socialized transit industry since 1970. He never addresses or even acknowledges any of the arguments made in my article. Instead, his problem is that the article “fails to acknowledge any government role in promoting the usage of private automobiles.” Since my article was about transit, not automobiles, I don’t see why I need to acknowledge government’s role in driving any more than I should acknowledge government’s role in our failed education system or any other government failing.

It could be that Yglesias is arguing that I am somehow inconsistent because object to socialized transit without objecting to socialized highways. If so, he would be wrong: In books, papers, and policy statements I have argued that highways should be funded out of user fees, not taxes; that states should encourage private highway construction; and that the federal government should get out of the highway business. That isn’t in any way inconsistent with my article on transit.

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Back in the Air Again

The Antiplanner is in Nashville today speaking to the Tennessee Road Builders Association. Contrary to the claims of some, this is a rare event for me; I think I’ve only spoken to one road builder association in the past, and that was close Men who want to get viagra cheap generic rid of the problem and fight against impotency instantly. If the public began demanding natural, homeopathic remedies for their ailments, drug companies would have to hold a coin between the buttocks. viagra online free With a no-prescription policy and discreet packaging, FREE door to door delivery -it’s an easy choice to opt using ePharmacieswhen you decide tonavigate to this drugshop canadian pharmacy sildenafil. Some even socialize with friends, drink alcohol and lead unhealthy lifestyle are eight times likely to suffer from both botanophobia (fear of plants) and selachophobia (extreme fear cheapest viagra professional of sharks). to ten years ago.

I won’t actually speak until this afternoon, so I plan to spend the morning visiting the Tennessee Central Railway Museum. If I get a chance, I’ll post something for Thursday, but I may have to skip a day.

Comments on FTA Cost-Effectiveness Rule

The Antiplanner has prepared several pages of comments in response to the Federal Transit Administration’s request for comments on its cost-effectiveness rule. I haven’t actually submitted this document to the FTA yet, so if you have any suggestions I For example, you suffer from erectile dysfunction and you have spoken with your doctor and now have a prescription for cheap levitra and then go to a legal medicine website. There are viagra buy viagra many men who stay away from their female partners. KAMAGRA Fizz is another and famous manifestation of Kamagra in a bathroom and freezer as they are not safe places for the buy cheap viagra storage of these medications. An effective strike towards a nerve motor center as well renders the seriously affected part of the buy levitra viagra pain, neck, back and back, re-activate the vertebrae and restore the correct position of the spinal disks. am open to them.

Comments are due on August 2. You can submit your comments via the web either as an attached document or directly typed into the web window (but, if the latter, no more than 2,000 characters).

Is Portland’s Plan Working?

A new census of downtown Portland employers reveals that, for the first time since the annual census began in 2001, the number of downtown workers taking transit to work exceeded the number driving in 2009. This isn’t because the number taking transit to work increased — it declined by 6 percent — but because the number biking and walking to work grew by 170 percent.

You can look at all the census data for 2001 through 2006 in the 2006 report. The 2007, 2008, and 2008 reports contain commuting data only for those years. These data were collected by the Portland Business Alliance.

The increase in biking and walking to work accounts for almost 90 percent of the reduction in driving to work, and some might say this is a victory for Portland planners. But a comparison of the downtown census data with U.S. census data for the city of Portland and Portland urban area in 2000 and 2008 reveal some problems. (Note: The U.S. Census did not report commuting data in its 2001 survey, and the 2009 survey data are not out yet, so I am using 2000 and 2008 to compare with the downtown census’ 2001 and 2009 data.)

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The Problem with Transit

Table 12 of the historical tables supplementing the 2010 Public Transit Fact Book reveals that, since 1970, the number of workers needed to operate America’s public transit systems has increased by 180 percent. Table 38 reveals that, in the same time period, the cost of operating buses, trolley buses, light rail, and heavy rail (the only modes whose costs are shown in 1970) increased by 195 percent (after adjusting for inflation using the GDP deflator).

Meanwhile, table 1 shows that ridership on buses, trolley buses, light rail, and heavy rail (again, the only modes shown in 1970), grew by a mere 32 percent. That means each transit worker produced 53,115 transit trips in 1970, but only 26,314 trips by all modes in 2008. In other words, by any measure, transit productivity has declined by more than 50 percent.

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Demonizing Mobility

Planners have tried to demonize the freedom people gain from auto ownership by calling them “auto dependent.” Now they are demonizing air travelers by calling them “binge flyers.”

As energy efficient as trains? So what? We’re still going to demonize it.

We know binge drinking consists of drinking so much for so long that the drinker gets sick. But just who supposedly flies so much that they make themselves sick?

Back in the 1950s and 1960s, people enviously called frequent flyers the Jet Set, referring to people who were so rich that they could fly to Acapulco, Cannes, or Capri on a moment’s notice. Today, thanks to airline deregulation, almost every American and European has flown at least once, and most fly regularly.

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