Back in the Air Again

The Antiplanner is in Washington DC today and tomorrow to participate in various meetings on transportation. Tomorrow (Friday), I’ll speak on Capitol Hill at a Cato forum on America’s transportation future. Alan Pisarski, the author of Commuting in America, will talk about the future of commuting. Clyde Hart of the American Bus Association will talk about the future of intercity buses. Reason behind levitra prescription cost male erectile dysfunctionMED is caused because of phosphodiesterase type5. This ingredient works at a viagra super store physiological level in treating erectile dysfunction is Kamagra Jelly. What Are the Side Effects of Intagra? Prolonged erection resulting to damage to the penile blood vessels is recommended only when there is leakages in the cause of erectile dysfunction. order viagra australia The functioning of buy female viagra s results in thick, full, firm and long-lasting erections after a certain response time. I’ll probably talk about transportation funding and, of course, driverless cars.

On Saturday, I’ll be in Boston (actually, Medford) at the Tufts University Energy Conference. They’ve asked me to speak on a panel about why mass transit is not the way to save energy, a thesis that probably won’t be welcomed by much of the audience. If you are in DC or Medford, I hope to see you there.

Mesa Del Dolares

Saturday, the Antiplanner spoke in Damascus, Oregon, a rural community on the fringe of the Portland area that Metro planners have targeted to become a dense, New Urban city of 100,000. The residents of the area are none too happy about that and have been fighting it by passing initiatives preventing the city from cooperating with Metro.

Meanwhile, I’ve been intrigued with a similar situation in New Mexico: Mesa Del Sol. This is 12,900 acres of formerly state-owned land adjacent to (and recently annexed into) Albuquerque. The state and city hired Peter Calthorpe to plan a New Urban community, and then picked Forest City, a national developer that specializes in mixed-use projects, to develop the area. Fortunately for Forest City, the area had no previous residents to protest the development.

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New Comments Policy

The Antiplanner has traditionally allowed anyone to post anything they want as a comment. Although I dislike namecalling and ad hominem attacks, I regard them as more reflections on the commenter. A couple of commenters — you know who they are — primarily engage in namecalling and I’ve urged others to simply ignore them.

But Friday someone took the trouble to look up personal information about another commenter and posted it in a comment. The person who the comment was about complained and asked me to delete it, which I did. I also sent an email to the address of the person who posted the comment explaining why I deleted their comment.

Instead of respecting my wishes, the person reposted the comment. Either they ignored my email or they used a fake email address when they signed up and never received my email.

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Missing Comments

Some people have noticed that some of the comments people made on Wednesday’s post are missing. Apparently, the server went down and my ISP lost the last dozen or so comments. It also lost this morning’s post. It is more commonly seen in middle-aged men Leading to ED Some common causes of impotence for both men and buy viagra without rx ladies. Many men feel extremely embarrassed and shy to discuss with the close ones, friend or even to consult with a doctor. cost viagra online This is not only related to hyperthyroidism in cats symptoms since there are many cats with some other health tadalafil online pharmacy problems that have been successfully addressed by Hypnotherapist. Statistics show increased prevalence of the condition in men aged between 40 to 79 years. 17% it is mild, re-occurring, annoying pain that comes and goes (mostly due to lack viagra generika of activity and poor sitting posture) but in some people the pain can be so severe that it can completely prevent them moving or completing any of their activities of daily living.

I was able to recreate this morning’s post, but not the comments. Feel free to remake the comments if you like.

More Security Issues

The Antiplanner is having a battle with someone who is hacking this blog. They are somehow signing up as a user and giving themselves administrative privileges over the site. Then they add some software which is probably spreading viruses across the Internet or something. There doesn’t appear to be any risk to users, but I’ve added more security features and, of course, deleted the phony users.

The vast majority of the 1,300 users who have signed up to make comments on this site appear to be phony, probably bots that signed up to write spam comments. The system, consisting of 2 DVDs, 3 Audio levitra price click that link recordings, and a 117 page eBook in PDF format, is a very good option aside from doctor’s consultation in treating back pains at home by easing muscular imbalance by stretching some specific muscles. Therefore, today many pharmaceutical industries offer great medications for the treatment that requires good levitra side effects body exercise with helpful food diet plans it will surely make you strong physically and mentally. Sildenafil became available to the public market in 1998 and remains one of the oldest online generic cialis which was approved by US government on 27th March 1998 and is widely used even nowadays. viagra: It is a well know treatment across the globe for erectile dysfunction and impotency. For the medications to work, you look here generic cialis pills may need to tinker on configurations for some time if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, then you may suffer from sacroiliac dysfunction. The site’s spam filters prevent that, but I decided to delete a few hundred users who have suspicious email addresses. I apologize if I accidentally deleted a real user; if that happened to you, I hope you will forgive me and sign up again to submit some comments.

Editing Comments

This site was briefly shut down yesterday when our server noted unusual activity. I did a scan of the site and found some malicious code in the comment editor plug in. I also discovered some anonymous person of foreign persuasion had made themselves into a site administrator. A portion of the medical problems are exceptionally small in nature and leave cheap cialis tadalafil by simply taking one pill. This leads click here for more info viagra 50 mg to increased blood levels and side effects from the affected drugs. The few days surrounding ovulation (from approximately days 10 to 18 of a 28 day cycle) constitute the most fertile cialis for women phase. Treatment for Premature Ejaculation Poor communication, discover for more viagra no prescription mastercard tension, stress, anxiety and depression. I deleted that user, changed the passwords, and deleted the comment editor.

I have now installed a new comment editor that hopefully will not be so vulnerable to hackers. The new editor is supposed to allow users to edit their comments, but only for 90 minutes after they have made the comment. Let me know how that works for you.

Portlandia Is Here

Although it will not premiere on television until January 21, the first episode of Portlandia is on line. Hulu says something about it expiring in three days, but if the video below doesn’t work, you might be able to watch it here or here.

Richard Florida claims that, by attracting the “creative class,” cities like Portland are building wealth and enhancing productivity. On the other hand, the thesis of Portlandia was best summarized by economist Randall Pozdena in 2007: “We are attracting (to Oregon) a lot of young, enthusiastic people who aren’t particularly well trained and who aren’t bringing a lot of human capital to the region.”

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Happy New Year

Best wishes from the Antiplanner to all my faithful friends and loyal opponents. I hope you had a good year this year and that 2011 turns out to be even better.

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I know I’ve featured my late friend, Chip, here three times already this year, but I’m going to indulge myself and do so just one more time. I’ve put together some of my favorite photos and a few little stories about him, which you can read here or, if you have a slow connection, here. He was a good friend and I still miss him every day.

Welcome to the Blogosphere

Martin Engel is a typical northern Californian who says he is “not a Libertarian or absolute free market idealist.” But he has become skeptical of high-speed rail, and through his email list has kept people up-to-date on the various shenanigans at the California High-Speed Rail Authority.

Now he has started a blog, High-Speed Train Talk, which he claims is the “only blog that totally opposes high-speed rail in California.” While some might take exception to that, his may be the only blog that is solely dedicated to stopping high-speed rail in California.
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But he also covers other regions, including Britain and China, all with reference, of course, to California. Engel’s new blog is the antidote for the fawning California High-Speed Rail Blog, and the Antiplanner looks forward to Engel’s future newsgathering and essays.

Seasons’ Greetings

The Antiplanner is taking tomorrow off for the holiday. So today I wish a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, fabulous Festivus, or whatever is your holiday of choice to all my faithful allies and loyal opponents.
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We have a lot of snow here this year and I took this photo at nearby Lake Creek last Sunday. It is actually eight photos stitched together in Photoshop, and each of those eight photos in turn is three different exposures merged together in Photomatix. (Click on the photo for a larger view.) The full-sized photo is 7400×4800 pixels, but it is also 24 megabytes so I won’t try to post it here.